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Using WWE4 but skipping the extensive dictation??


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Could you split the dictation up into two days? Or two parts in one day? Or just repeat as often as needed?


I'm pretty sure SWB doesn't expect every kid to be comfortable with those long dictations. I got the impression that it's totally fine to have to repeat a sentence if the child needs it. She does stress that you should repeat the whole sentence, not just the phrase they need so they can get used to holding a whole sentence in their minds.



Or you could just come up with your own dictation from quality books you or your child is reading.

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Well, dictation is twice a week, so if you skipped it you would be missing out on a lot of the program. You could just shorten them. Or, as Rosie mentioned, come up with your own from your history and science.


And, I repeated sentences many times. I didn't only read it twice or whatever the instructions say. My son was quite proud of what he could memorize by the time we were done with WWE4.

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We do them. It's an important part of the program and training your child's mind to be attentive and retain knowledge. It's perfectly fine to repeat part of the dictation as often as necessary until your child gets it. SWB has a video of this on youtube. Check on PHP's channel.

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I do this to some degree. We still do dictation twice a week but I don't pick passages as long as the book recommends. I think it says 25-30 words and I'm doing about 20-25 with my son because I think that's about all he can handle.


Also, if you are using the workbook, you might want to check how many words some of those longer passages are. The instructor text says 25-30 words by the end of WWE4 and I have heard that some of the ones in the workbook are longer than that. If you find that to be the case, you could probably shorten them.


And I agree with repeating sentences as many times as is needed.

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