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Reading Fluency help needed!!


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My 3rd grader has grown a lot with her reading.....I still think she needs to work on her fluency and she often leaves out words that are there and adds other words for them. She reads independently and aloud to me. Are there certain books to read to help build fluency? She comprehends everything she reads...so that's not an issue......


Is simply reading aloud going to help with this issue?

Thank you!

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Yes. Have her read the same thing over again. Read it first with her, then she reads it silently then she reads it outloud and then again and maybe again. Do this once a day for a paragraph or two. Also for reading fluency, make sure it is not above her reading level. Keep it simple to start with to build her confidence and build. THe most important thing is to keep at it; it will come.

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There is a great book called Reading Resuce 1-2-3! In it they recomend what is called To/Try/By. Depending on the child your would pick something that you would read together. For beginners and young ones always start out small. It could be just one short paragraph, or even just one sentence. As you and your child progress, you can slowly pick longer and longer passages. First you read it to your child, with them following along. Then you read together both out loud. Lastly, you have your child read. This really works wonders with fluency.


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When I was working with DS on fluency and speed, I picked up some begining readers at the library. We read every other word. I read word one, he read two, I read three and so on. He really had to pay attention and know where we were on the page. It worked so well!

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Thank you ladies....I may try to find some eclectic readers and have her read a passage for a few days until solid.....I will just have to play around and see what works.


Thank you for the Reading Rescue rec....I will try to see if my book store carries it so I can flip through it!

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