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Anyone use ETC and OPGTR together?

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This year dd has been working through ETC books. We started at book one and she just completed book 3 1/2. Although I have the rest of the ETC books on hand, I hesitate to move forward at this point. She does well when completing the ETC pages, but I find her struggling with the same words when reading an actual book.


We never used a formal phonics program before and now I am thinking I better do something before it's too late! I would like her decoding skills and fluency to improve before moving forward.


I only recently purchased OPGTR for the first time and was thinking of holding off on ETC and completing lessons from OPGTR instead.


So, I'd like opinions on what lesson I should start her on?? I really do not want to start at the beginning because she can read, I just want her to have a better foundation.


Also, is there ever a point in OPGTR that ETC would line up well for her do both? Maybe one as the lesson and the other as reinforcement? If so, what ETC book lines up with what lesson in OPGTR?


Thanks for the advice!!

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Oh ... wanted to add ... she has no problem with straight CVC words and no problem with words that have a silent-e. I only started noticing inconsistencies when we got to the different ways to make the long vowel sounds .. she often forgets and does not see them as a pair, but tries to sound out each letter individually.

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In the back of OPGTR (pg. 363, I think) is an index to all the lessons. Lessons 1-40 cover vowels, consonants and CVC words (as well as a few sight words). Check that out to see where she'd comfortably jump in.


As far as using ETC along with it, we do but we're starting with ETC book 1 and OPGTR at the beginning of the CVC words, so it matches up fairly well that way.

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In the back of OPGTR (pg. 363, I think) is an index to all the lessons. Lessons 1-40 cover vowels, consonants and CVC words (as well as a few sight words). Check that out to see where she'd comfortably jump in.


As far as using ETC along with it, we do but we're starting with ETC book 1 and OPGTR at the beginning of the CVC words, so it matches up fairly well that way.


Aha!! Thank you! That should make my search much easier .. didn't even think to look for an index..duh:tongue_smilie:

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I used ETC in the opposite way- we were already halfway through OPG and then started ETC book 1 as review. I found it simpler to not try to line up the two. We just used one as a spine, and the other as supplementary practice. I think its a great idea to just find the place in OPG that you want to start in, and wouldn't really worry about lining up the two programs perfectly.

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I used ETC in the opposite way- we were already halfway through OPG and then started ETC book 1 as review. I found it simpler to not try to line up the two. We just used one as a spine, and the other as supplementary practice. I think its a great idea to just find the place in OPG that you want to start in, and wouldn't really worry about lining up the two programs perfectly.





We started OPGTR first and added in ETC some time later. I kept pulling the books together to try and align them but would get overwhelmed and stop. Finally I just continued with them both at my dd's own pace and it worked wonderfully. They complimented one another and each one eventually took turns being a review for a concept mention in the other. It was great. I am also doing AAS three times a week and the three things together worked fabulously. My dd 5 just finished OPGTR and is a phenomenal reader. I give credit to that book, ETC, and AAS.

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We are using AAS as well. We just started on level 2. So far there is nothing in AAS that she can't handle - she is doing very well with that program. We are moving through it pretty quickly. But then again .. we have not reached any of the words/rules that I notice her struggling with in every day reading. We will surely slow down once we get to that point.

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