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We Choose Virtues- What Should I Buy?


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How much do you want to do? A full-curriculum or...?


I've placed an order with them (not yet arrived) but I just ordered the faith-based flash cards. I don't need a complete curriculum, but rather figured we could pick a virtue each week to discuss, look for in our day-to-day interactions, search for mentions of that virtue in the Bible. This will be in addition to our daily Bible reading and devotion....just something to get my girls thinking about these traits.


ETA: I also got the $3 coloring book download (I didn't read well and it's not really about a virtue but rather the character from their little stories....cute but not really useful since I just got the flashcards, LOL). There is also a free download that has a "Bible hero" for each virtue.



ETA: they have a coupon code listed on their main page for the Teacher cards (which I'm now considering ordering, LOL). virtuemom is also a 15% off.

Edited by alisoncooks
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to update that I received my package from We Choose Virtues a few days ago and I am *very* pleased with them! I purchased the flash cards and the Parent Teaching cards (all faith-based). I had planned on using them next year, but I believe I will go ahead and start now... I plan to focus on 1 virtue a week (cycling through all 12 and then starting back over at the beginning again.

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We love the flashcards and the poster that lists each of the virtues. We use the large flash cards on our calendar board and use one a month, but it's nice to have the poster as a reference chart at all times too!! It's definitely one part I wouldn't skip having :)

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