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I've been looking at MFW and have a couple of question...

Lisa in SC

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My 3 olders are currently in ps (all were hs'd prior to this year). One, possibly two, will be coming home again next year. I'm planning our year and have been looking at MFW. I noticed that Creation to the Greeks uses Streams of Civilization while the rest of the years use SOTW.


I'm wondering whether any of you have subbed SOTW 1 for Streams? Would this be possible or would it just not mesh with the program that year? I'm quite sold on SOTW and would prefer to use it. I have no experience with MFW, so I'm not sure what effect, if any, it would have if I subbed in a different spine.


I'm also considering simply using SOTW and AG as our history without using MFW. It's just that MFW looks like it would be so helpful with adding in Bible, music and art. Oh, and the one child who will definitely be coming home will be working at a 3rd/4th grade level.


What say ye? :)


Thanks for your thoughts,


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Well, first off, let me link you to a thread explaining why the author of MFW didn't include SOTW 1 in CTG in the first place. Maybe that will help a bit in your thinking it through, just so you know. http://board.mfwbooks.com/viewtopic.php?t=365


I haven't used CTG, but I have used RTR which also schedules Streams. The readings in Streams are just little tidbits of factual information which are helpful to the older student. (Streams is actually a high school text used by CLA in their 9th & 10th grade classes.) If your oldest is only 3rd or 4th grade, you probably don't even need to use Streams at all right now. So I wouldn't worry about that. If you want to include SOTW 1 instead, you're certainly free to do so. The main "spine" of CTG is the Bible itself, as the Hazell's wanted the focus at this age not to be on the false gods and lifestyles of the pagan ancients, but on God's people and the biblical foundation of the world. There's plenty of time to get to that other stuff.


Note that MFW does schedule SOTW volumes 2-4 in later years, however. And they use the AG for SOTW 4 along with their year 5, 1850-Modern. Trust me, there are PLENTY of activities scheduled in the MFW TMs without having to add the AG in the earlier years, but if you really *want* to have all the extra stuff, that's up to you. Just be aware that it may be more than enough.


Another idea is to simply use SOTW 1 as part of your "Book Basket" (or free reading) during CTG, without the AG and without trying to schedule the readings. I know there are several people who've done this with MOH 1, too. Or you might consider getting SOTW on CD to listen to in the car or whatever.


Just some ideas.

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But now in retrospect I should stayed with SOTW. My kids love listening to the CD's over and over again and they actually retained more from the first 2 years of SOTW than they are with MFW. We're doing MFW Adventures this year. It's very light, lots of fiction stories, a few geography points, but visually it's not stimulating or interesting. They do enjoy the hands-on activities (SOTW has those too).


The Bible piece of MFW was my original draw. I do like it, but I think there are probably tons of free reading schedules out there to coordinate with each historical period that would have worked just as well.


The art - buy the book they're using. They don't actually schedule it for you. It's a do as you want to do kind of book. My kids don't care for it because they find it too strict. They prefer to draw about what we're reading.


Music, same as the art. Buy the stuff they recommend and schedule it yourself. Nothing magical about it. Just listen and memorize. I was a bit disappointed because I thought it would be more than it is.


SOTW is a great program. Feel confident in using it alone.

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Everyone's comments were so helpful. Of course, after reading the pros & cons, I'm no closer to a decision (which is typical for me). :D If I decide to go with MFW, I really appreciate the advice to add SOTW to the book basket. It does sound as if there is a good number of hands-on activities which ds will certainly enjoy.


However, CalicoKat's words give me pause. I definitely don't want to purchase something 'extra' if it won't really add to ds' experience, kwim? I already own SOTW 1 & the AG, so maybe she's right. Maybe I just need to purchase the art & music. I'm really considering doing just that -- especially since you've advised me that those subjects aren't scheduled. If I would be doing the scheduling myself, then why go with MFW?


I guess I'll go back to researching & pondering. I may be back for more advice! Thank you to everyone who responded.


Have a great day!


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Actually, the art and music ARE scheduled in MFW. We didn't do the art or music when we did Adventures, so I'm not sure if they were scheduled in there or not. But they definitely are scheduled in RTR. And if they're in RTR, I have to assume they're in CTG, as well.


I will confess that one of the reasons I originally went with MFW was because of the scheduling and the simple way that the wonderful TM is laid out (aside from the TMs in K and 1st). However, as time goes on, I'm getting more and more confident in my own abilities to schedule what I want, and when I want do it. In fact, I rarely actually followed the MFW schedule once we got used to the program! We just started doing our own thing with it. Great materials, and I love having the TM as a resource, but I wasn't doing it *their* way anymore. (I hear a lot of people do that with SL, too.)

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Yes the art and music is scheduled in CTG. THey use God and the history of art and match the lessons to the time period in history. About CTG though, the Bible is the main textbook, and they also celebrate the Biblical feasts so you get to experience Jewish culture. It was a fascinating experience to celebrate the passover and see how Jesus fulfilled it. We also compared the passover to the Last Supper He had with his disciples. I didn't realize that He was explaining what the passover symbolized when He talked about the New Covenant. Anyway we really enjoyed the Biblical History in CTG. We did the program as written and listened to SOTW 1 CDs

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Ok, the next several comments were quite helpful. It's reassuring to know that the music and art *are* scheduled, and I am very interested in delving into the Biblical history as it was explained in this thread. Thank you for adding that! Now, I'm thinking that it couldn't possibly *hurt* to have this (says the certified curriculum nut :D), and, in all likelihood, it will enhance our year.


DS is very kinesthetic and activity-centric. I think that going with CTG and adding SOTW to the book basket will be a satisfying mix. To be honest, I am continually tempted to go with TOG, but that's because it fits *my* learning style. Ds would be unhappy if I went that direction. From what you all have shared with me here, I am really leaning toward CTG. It sounds perfect for him, and after all, *he* is the one I need to "fit." Thanks again!



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