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What between CLE 6 and Discovering Mathematics?


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My son is almost finished with CLE 6. He is doing very well with it. I am thinking of switching him to Discovering Mathematics in the future (8th grade) and am wondering what would be the best thing for him to do next year (7th grade). I was considering Singapore 6 (if he does okay on the placement test). I thought this would prepare him well for DM.


Then I was wondering if I should just go with Math Mammoth 6 since I already have it and I've heard how similar MM is to Singapore. Or would that be too much like repeating 6th grade?


Any other suggestions? I have not even completely made up my mind about DM but it is top on my list right now.


Thanks in advance.

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Since my dd has always done Singapore I can't answer the too hard part. We did NEM 1 and 2, we waited the year because of the too hard reports -- mistake. Absolutely no problems other than it was a confusing text for me to assign and grade. There is a different book for everything and I could never find the one I needed! Turned that part over to dd my problem was solved.


For year 3 we used DM. Full answer key which NEM doesn't have that year. The materials are great. Easy to follow but lots of problems. Dd always does everything but begged to skip some in DM.


Its a good text but remember that Singapore math combines all levels algebra and geometry in one text. If you only do one type of math this is going to be a problem if you want to try something else. Figuring out what level to switch to would be hard.


I probably just gave you way too much info. Your original question was if he does Singapore 6 can he do DM 1 after. I see no reason why not.

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