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Your favorite geometry curriculum?

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My ds just started using Kinetic Algebra; it seems like a good fit for him. He's eager to get into geometry (a very visual thinker and loves logic), so I told him we could do algebra and geometry at the same time. (I think we will alternate, spreading both over two years, but I'm not positive.) Kinetic Books doesn't have their geometry ready yet, so I am looking for an alternative. My son does like the interactive nature of Kinetic Algebra, but I wouldn't rule out a textbook, either. Any great ideas?



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You might want to look at Discovering Geometry:




While it's not a video or interactive program, it is very much hands-on, with explorations in most lessons. I use the 3rd edition text at our co-op.


There is also this software program Geometer's Sketchpad which provides interactive (computer) explorations: http://www.keypress.com/x27379.xml



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Older ds just finished Jacobs 2nd edition. We both loved it after surviving only 4 chapters in the 3rd edition. We really liked how Jacobs explains (in the 2nd edition) a concept with just enough info to get you started and then uses the problem set to further the teaching. It is a form of "mild" discovery-learning...not intense like AoPS...but interesting enough to keep a kid's attention.


I'll probably raise a few eyebrows by slamming the 3rd edition of Jacobs geometry, but I thought it was really awful. He tried too hard to make geometry "real-worldy" (which it is, of course) without giving the students a chance to develop a base of knowledge. My ds was not retaining the information before we switched to 2nd ed. The difference was night and day.


I like geometry. I taught it several years in a local all-girls school. Now, that was fun! :D

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