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PLEASE Help: Daughter Doing Teen Stress Survey - need replies please

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HI, my 14yo daughter's science fair project is a Teen Stress Survey. She needs about 100 responses - would you please download it, have your teen (ages 13-19) fill it out and return it via email (preferably) or mail if you prefer that?


Please - email it to ljdeerpark@aol.com - Pls put "SURVEY" in title so I can catch those that go to spam.


Thanks - so much - lisaj, longtime poster/member of WTM, mom to 5



RPJ Stress Survey txt.txt

RPJ Stress Survey txt.txt

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It downloaded for me but the format isn't very "user friendly". What would happen if she switched or made a Word document out of it as well?


Edit - Looks like I could copy it into Word myself and the formatting is better.

Edited by bugs
I could put it in Word
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I'd appreciate advice on how to do this better. The forum wouldn't let me download a word doc (I tried doc & docx) as it was too large For that format, the forum said the doc could only be 3.5kb? It was 19.5kb even when I took out all the bolding and took it from double to single-spaced.


THe survey is for teens :) and I'd love a way to get it out to a lot of people. I don't know how to (where to) upload it so I could do a link? Any easier ideas for me? I am not that web saavy but I can do simple things usually.


I can make it a pdf and email it to all willing parties but I think that would be the least appealing for getting lots of feedback?


Thanks for any tips!

Lisa J

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I'd appreciate advice on how to do this better. The forum wouldn't let me download a word doc (I tried doc & docx) as it was too large For that format, the forum said the doc could only be 3.5kb? It was 19.5kb even when I took out all the bolding and took it from double to single-spaced.


THe survey is for teens :) and I'd love a way to get it out to a lot of people. I don't know how to (where to) upload it so I could do a link? Any easier ideas for me? I am not that web saavy but I can do simple things usually.


I can make it a pdf and email it to all willing parties but I think that would be the least appealing for getting lots of feedback?


Thanks for any tips!

Lisa J


Could you just type it out into a post here? Then we could copy it and PM it back to you, or just post the replies here.


The Teen Stress Factor

Response Scale:

1- Disagree completely with statement

2- Disagree somewhat with statement

3- Neither disagree nor agree with statement (neutral)

4- Agree somewhat with statement

5- Agree completely with statement


Section I: Sibling and Parent Relationships

Question My Response Below

1.a. I have a happy and meaningful relationship with my parents. ____

1.b. My sibling(s) loves me and is encouraging to me. ____

1.c. My family is usually looking out for my needs and taking care of them. ____

1.d. I am able to communicate effectively with my parents. ____

1.e. My regular life with my family is calm. ____


Section II: School

Question My Response Below

2.a. I put off my school to the last minute and scramble to get it done on time. ____

2.b. I struggle with school because it is difficult for me. ____

2.c. I am stressed because I work hard at school and I still get average grades. ____

2.d. I constantly worry about completing my schoolwork. ____

2.e. My schoolwork is usually quite interesting. ____


Section III: Health

Question My Response Below

3.a. My health constantly stresses me. ____

3.b. My illness or medical condition stresses me out. ____

3.c. I am in excellent perfect health. ____

3.d. My health allows be to participate in sports. ____

3.e. I usually worry only about yearly checkups. ____


Section IV: Friends/Peer Pressure

Question My Response Below

4.a. I worry constantly about what others might think about me. ____

4.b. My friends usually try to get me to do some things I do not want to do. ____

4.c. I follow the crowd so I can fit in with my friends. ____

4.d. I worry about how I look. ____

4.e. My friends respect me for who I am. ____


Section V: Personal Habits (finger drumming, fingernail bitingÉ)

Question My Response Below

5.a. I have embarrassing personal habits. ____

5.b. People making fun of me for some of my personal habits stress me out. ____

5.c. I worry about my personal habits. ____

5.d. I am usually trying to stop certain personal habits. ____

5.e. My personal habits are usually not noticeable. ____


Section IV: Other Stressors (chores, sports/activities, work)

Question My Response Below

6.a. My chores are usually time consuming and stressful. ____

6.b. My sports and extra activities add to my stress level. ____

6.c. I am stressed because my boss is always finding fault with my hard work. ____

6.d. My everyday schedule is packed full with sports, chores and my job. _ ___

6.e. I am always rushing out of the house to get to activities, work, sports, etc. ____


How old are you? ____


Are you homeschooled? ____




ETA: There ya go! : )

Edited by Teachin'Mine
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I'd appreciate advice on how to do this better.

Thanks for any tips!

Lisa J




Have her create it at Survey Monkey and then post a link to the survey. It will collect the statistics for you & provide some reports. The basic version is free and enables her to post an unlimited number of surveys of up to ten questions each. If it is more than ten questions, then break it up into more than one survey. There are templates and sample questions to choose from. It is very easy to use.

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I'd appreciate advice on how to do this better. The forum wouldn't let me download a word doc (I tried doc & docx) as it was too large For that format, the forum said the doc could only be 3.5kb? It was 19.5kb even when I took out all the bolding and took it from double to single-spaced.


THe survey is for teens :) and I'd love a way to get it out to a lot of people. I don't know how to (where to) upload it so I could do a link? Any easier ideas for me? I am not that web saavy but I can do simple things usually.


I can make it a pdf and email it to all willing parties but I think that would be the least appealing for getting lots of feedback?


Thanks for any tips!

Lisa J


She should set it up at a free survey site. I have used: http://www.surveymonkey.com/ I think they would be adequate for her purposes. If one survey fills up she can open a second duplicate survey.

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