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How does this look for my 10th grader

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I think I finally have a plan of what he will be doing next year. He is the one who is interested in possible med school and is also the one who is a slow reader/doesn't like to read. He will be using homesat for the chemistry, writing & grammar/lit and spanish.


BJU chemistry

Saxon Algebra II

BJU World History

BJU Writing & Grammar

BJU Literature


Vocab for the High School Student

Latin in the Christian Trivium I ( he has been using Henle but wanted a switch)

BJU Spanish I

Traditional Logic I

I will assign him various books throughout the year.


How do you think this looks? On paper it works out to along day and I am curious how long it will actually take him to finish, but I want to cover all the bases.

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Are you planning to do the BJU Writing and Grammar and IEW SWI-C sequentially or simultaneously? I just thinking that might be a lot of writing, especially if there is any history writing. And grammar might be a bit duplicative with Latin -- not necessarily, but just depends whether you are shoring up areas or intending them to complement each other. Just food for thought. :001_smile: It looks like a very solid schedule. He'll have full days between math, chemistry, latin, logic and the rest.




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I planned on doing the writing & grammar simultaneously with the IEW. We have really avoided writing and so this is my main area of concern with him right now. He did well in R&S grammar last year so I don't know if he really needs another year of actual grammar, but I was thining the writing part of BJU might be good for him. Maybe he could drop the grammar part and just do the writing excersises? I don't know if they build on each other though.

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BJU chemistry

Saxon Algebra II

BJU World History

BJU Writing & Grammar

BJU Literature


Vocab for the High School Student

Latin in the Christian Trivium I ( he has been using Henle but wanted a switch)

BJU Spanish I

Traditional Logic I

I will assign him various books throughout the year.


How do you think this looks? On paper it works out to along day and I am curious how long it will actually take him to finish, but I want to cover all the bases.


I think it looks massive! My humble opinion is that I would choose

IEW or BJU Writing/Grammar

Latin or Spanish

and even though they are different subjects vocab or logic


I would personally choose the IEW and then schedule all of the writing to compliment your other subjects: chemistry research paper, literature critiques, and world history essays.




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Looks similar to us (my ds is intending on being a biology major):


Systematic Theology

Chalkdust Algebra 2 and Trig (He's working on Alg. 2 this summer and will finish in Sept and move on to Trig.)

Chemisty (The Potter's School)

Latin 2 (The Potter's School)

US History (The Potter's School)

Advanced Composition (The Potter's School)

Applications of Grammar-Book 5

Several Progeny Press Guides (The grammar, comp, and PP guides make up his English 10 class.)

Formal Logic Book 2


Lots of fun work coming up!:)

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I planned on doing the writing & grammar simultaneously with the IEW. We have really avoided writing and so this is my main area of concern with him right now. He did well in R&S grammar last year so I don't know if he really needs another year of actual grammar, but I was thining the writing part of BJU might be good for him. Maybe he could drop the grammar part and just do the writing excersises? I don't know if they build on each other though.


I believe I've seen from the samples that starting in 10th grade there is more writing and less grammar, anyway, but you'll easily be able to pare down the grammar if you choose. The 9th grade W&G still has heavy grammar, but I think in 10th it switches to whole chapters on writing, instead of just assignments at the end of the chapter and the Writer's Toolbox.

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I believe I've seen from the samples that starting in 10th grade there is more writing and less grammar, anyway, but you'll easily be able to pare down the grammar if you choose. The 9th grade W&G still has heavy grammar, but I think in 10th it switches to whole chapters on writing, instead of just assignments at the end of the chapter and the Writer's Toolbox.


That's good to know. Maybe I will drop the W&G them and just use IEW with him. Hmmmm back to the drawing board :D

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I would personally choose the IEW and then schedule all of the writing to compliment your other subjects: chemistry research paper, literature critiques, and world history essays.





I might just do this. I am going to look through his W&G book and decide for sure, but I think it might be a good idea to drop it.

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