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Teaching Textbooks


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OK. DD and I clash many times each day over math. It's gotten so bad I had considered putting her in school.


So, I began looking at Teaching Textbooks. I thought this would be brilliant. She could watch the lessons and then I could provide support. Problem solved right? Ummm..... is TT supposed to be this easy? We got it in the mail today and she was :D. However, I was :confused: She has been working Horizons 3rd. I ordered TT 4th. It seems to be the same material. (DD is a new 8 and supposed to be in 2nd at ps). Should I move her into TT 5th? Is this a good program to use? Argh!


Thanks for any help!



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I do believe it is about a year "behind" what they say. And, you will get differing views on here (like with anything!), but we are absolutely loving it!!!


We have tried so many different math curriculums, and battled over them, that this seems like our miracle. Dd is not a computer lover, either, in fact she's almost been anti-computer. (We tried IXL math for review-she hated it) But, she is really liking this, and is learning. It's given her the confidence that she needed.


If your dd already does well in math, it may or may not be what you're looking for. But, taking me out of the picture has helped us, so maybe it will you, also.:001_smile:

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From what I have read, the program seems to be controversial in three aspects: (1) the scope-and-sequence, (2) the depth of instruction of concepts, and (3) the level of challenge of the exercises.


Before ordering the next level, you might consider the placement tests.

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She did the placement test and passed the test for the 4th and 5th grade. I went with 4th because she is young and there were concepts she has not covered yet towards the end of 4th. She is also coming from a spiral program which is what she needs.


I think we will try it over the summer and maybe supplement with another program like LOF. My main concern is I need to remove myself from the bulk of the math instruction for our sanity.

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TT has been a lifesaver here. It is really worth it. All math programs are different in terms of standards for what they teach each year, but if you go all the way through with TT, your child will be ready for SAT/ACT and college. I would just leave your dd where she is right now so she can learn to love math again and you can regain your sanity :D

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