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Do you use the MUS tests?


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If so, how? I mean as one more sheet to fill out, as a real test or what? I have 2 in Delta (one further ahead than the other) and one finishing up Beta. I have yet to use the tests, but wondering if I should once they start Epsilon...so they get used to doing tests. What do you do???

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We're in Alpha and we use them on Fridays. Monday he does A and D, Tuesday he does B and E, Wednesday he does the activity page, and Thursday he does C and F. So, Friday is like a break since he only does one page. I'm not sure how I'll break things up when we get out of the "activity page" stage. But, we'll keep using them. There's no "pressure," but he's not allowed to talk or ask for help during it, though he can ask for clarification if he needed. He's supposed to do his best and check it, but when he's done if he got something wrong, I tell him and he goes back and redoes it. It's the only independent, quiet work that he does at this point and it's really just for the experience/practice of knowing how to behave during something a test.

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My oldest is in Epsilon and we do use the tests. She completes regular worksheets A, B, D, E on one day and then takes the test the next day. If she score a 95% or above, then we move on to the next lesson. If not, we use worksheets C and F to review the concepts. So for us, the tests are used to determine if she has understood the lesson and accelerate the program where we can.

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Yes, we use the tests as tests. Each day my kids do two pages from the workbook, plus some basic drill from another resource. If the concept in a particular chapter is more challenging, we might slow the pace to one page a day or extend the chapter a few more days using problems from the website or that dh formulates for them. For most chapters, though, it's two pages a day plus drill. Once the chapter is complete, the child takes the test, which is graded.

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I use them similar to the way kebg11 use them. When she's ready to move on to the next chapter I have her take the test without any help or coaching from me. She gets one chance to correct any mistakes and then I grade it. Next year when we have to start taking the CAT I want her to be prepared for it.

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Two worksheets a day? Wow, I have been slacking...we have only done one a day...and the chapter then takes 6 days...we skip pages if the concept is easy or understood. Hmmm....something to think about for next year. My kids might really hate me if I change to 2 a day....but my oldre kids should be able to handle it for sure.

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We don't typically use them but today I did have dd take the final test which basically reviewed everything from the lesson 1-30. It was a great review and helped me know that she is for sure ready to move on to the zeta book. I only use the tests if a Child needs the additional practice otherwise its just redundant especially if the topic is mastered!

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