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High School Math Credits

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So my daughter is in 9th grade and we basically are reviewing stuff because she feels she never got a good math foundation. I agree. Then she will go on to pre-algebra.


My questions are:


Can I assign a credit for remedial math for 9th grade?

Can I assign a credit for Pre-Algebra for 9th (or 10th grade)


I remember in high school I took Pre-algebra and got a credit for it. That's ALL the math I took for high school.


Can my daughter stop after Pre-Algebra or should she take Algebra as well? When she goes to college she will be going to the community college focusing on Graphic Arts and Design Publishing, etc. using Adobe.


She wants to take Business Math and Consumer Math but classes like Algebra, Geometry, Calculus seem to be unnecessary for her.


Anyway, just wondering about this. She is doing so much work and trying so hard to catch up with math stuff taht I wish I could give her a credit for it.

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Can I assign a credit for remedial math for 9th grade?

Can I assign a credit for Pre-Algebra for 9th (or 10th grade)

For high school, you can do anything you want. However, if she needs the transcript for college, you should know that *most* colleges want 3-4 math credits, algebra and above. IOW, remedial math and pre-algebra wouldn't count.


I remember in high school I took Pre-algebra and got a credit for it. That's ALL the math I took for high school.

Things have changed.


Can my daughter stop after Pre-Algebra or should she take Algebra as well? When she goes to college she will be going to the community college focusing on Graphic Arts and Design Publishing, etc. using Adobe.


She wants to take Business Math and Consumer Math but classes like Algebra, Geometry, Calculus seem to be unnecessary for her.

Have you checked with the community college? It's pretty common for algebra 1, algebra 2, and one more math to be required to get a degree, even if it's in Graphic Arts.


On a side note, which "Adobe" will she be using? In-Design? Photoshop? Illustrator? All of them?


Anyway, just wondering about this. She is doing so much work and trying so hard to catch up with math stuff taht I wish I could give her a credit for it.

I understand, but you need to get more information from the college so you'll know what she needs to do next. Does she need *high school* credits? Or can she just take those higher maths at the community college? In California, c.c. grads didn't have to have any high school credits at all to transfer to any state college/university, and usually not to any of the private colleges, either.

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