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Down side to home daycare *vent*

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I have dayhome child here today. She is not back 100% to her own health with tonsillitis so she is being an even extra ornery 2 yr old. A couple hours after she arrived today I started getting a sinus headache. Since then my ear has started throbbing and my stomach is cramping. I just want to curl up and cry and can't because I am working. I can't even just lay on the couch and watch her for the last 45 minutes of the work day because she is getting into everything she is not supposed to (and normally doesn't) like taking Austin's disk out of the xbox and throwing it across the room (yeah that went over well, it is a disk we borrowed from the neighbors and Austin was on the game in order to focus on that and drop the anger that was building after dayhome child tore up the picture he had spent all weekend on etc).


SHe should be leaving in about 45 minutes and it can not come soon enough. Normally she is a great child to have here but today her defiance is hitting an all time high, and I am getting sicker by the minute. Not a good mixture.


Usually I teach preschool to both Isabelle and her and then move onto the big kids school work and we only made it through the first preschool activity before she kicked the puppy. And from then on it was impossible to bring things back on track. EVerytime I tried to do an activity with them (read a story, sing a song, do a craft, etc) she wandered off and got into trouble so no one got school done today because I can not teach and follow her around.


She is nearly 3 and normally not like this but my goodness I was ready to toss the towel in today watching her. If I wasn't feel so crummy right now I would be pulling out some wine and chocolate to have as they drive away.


Okay vent's over. THe work day will be over soon enough and I can lay down and try to deal with feeling icky without worrying about someone getting into something. Tomorrow is a new day and hopefully she will be back to her usual obedient self.

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It stinks when Mom is sick and there is no one to take over.


I thought you decided to hide the xbox?


I did. It was gone for 4 weeks, then strep and tonisillitis hit our house. WHen the little girl came back last week still sick, and dd4 was sick last week I pulled it back out. We have mainly used it for dvds thus far, but today I let ds13 use it to play a game from the neighbors(all of his games are still stored at grammas) because I am not feeling well, and the little one is satill sick and cranky. THe game went back to the neighbor's tonight so the xbox is back to being an expensive dvd player.


I do love having my dayhome and generally this littleone is very very good, but today was not a good day. It was one of those days that made me question why I chose this profession 2 decades ago. We have a short week with her this week, Thursday I am taking the day off to take the kids into the city to see a live performance and Friday is a holiday so I just keep telling myself I only have 2 more days of sick 2 yr old to contend with and then I get 4 days off to be just with my kids. DS8 is coming hom Thursday night too(though he wants me to leave him at grammas until it is time for me to go to conference next week). I am sure by next Monday she will be back to herself and we can get back to having fun during our time together.

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