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Who knew that bringing joy to my children was so easy?

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I had to drive my 15yo to town early this morning and decided to run into the grocery store just to pick up some fruit and snacks. When I was there I noticed the little pre-cooked crepes that you can just pop in the microwave and decided to bring home a special breakfast treat for the other kids, so I grabbed some Nutella. I made the crepes with Nutella and sliced strawberries and they were amazing. My kids were in seventh heaven. Ahhhh. It's nice to be appreciated. It happens so rarely. :001_smile:

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I can frequently excite them with little treats, but I haven't had the reaction that I got today since youngest ds's 4th or 5th birthday when I bought all the fixins for ice cream sundaes. My kids went nuts over them, and I realized that though they would get ice cream, they had never actually had sundaes. Before that we had never gotten toppings, and they had never actually experienced the joy of ice cream sundaes with syrup, whipped cream, sprinkles, the whole works.

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