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How does this look for second grade?


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I tweaked our plans again. DD will be 6 when she starts second fwiw.


MCP Math B

Behold & See 2 from CHC

Inquisikids science dvds from SL

SL Core B or B+C {not sure which one yet} with grade 3 readers

SL LA for grade 2 or 3 readers {still trying to place her in their LA, suspecting we will end up a level below the readers}

Pathway readers grade 2 & 3 with workbooks


Daily Grammar 2

ZB Handwriting 2M

Tour the Continents program loosely from CHC tweaked by me

Map Skills B

Spelling Power or R&S Spelling 3 & 4

Girl Scouts - Brownie



Am I missing anything? Is it overkill in anything?

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I would go with SL core B and not B+C for a 6 or 7 yo. Core B+C goes through the history very quickly and the read-alouds are mostly from Core C.


Also, for the SL LA, it is common for a child to be at a different reading level and writing level. In the past, you could order, for example, readers 3 and LA 2. I don't know what the process is now that things have changed. I would assume you still can choose the exact level of LA and readers you want. The copywork has been directly from the readers in the old LA, but that doesn't have to be an issue, as all the other activities and exercises are unrelated to the readers.

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I would go with SL core B and not B+C for a 6 or 7 yo. Core B+C goes through the history very quickly and the read-alouds are mostly from Core C.


Also, for the SL LA, it is common for a child to be at a different reading level and writing level. In the past, you could order, for example, readers 3 and LA 2. I don't know what the process is now that things have changed. I would assume you still can choose the exact level of LA and readers you want. The copywork has been directly from the readers in the old LA, but that doesn't have to be an issue, as all the other activities and exercises are unrelated to the readers.


If we do go with B+C, it will be stretched over 18 months or so and have a lot of the not included readers added back in. We're just not sure which IG we're going to get {a friend is giving us one}

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I tweaked our plans again. DD will be 6 when she starts second fwiw.


MCP Math B

Behold & See 2 from CHC

Inquisikids science dvds from SL

SL Core B or B+C {not sure which one yet} with grade 3 readers

SL LA for grade 2 or 3 readers {still trying to place her in their LA, suspecting we will end up a level below the readers}

Pathway readers grade 2 & 3 with workbooks


Daily Grammar 2

ZB Handwriting 2M

Tour the Continents program loosely from CHC tweaked by me

Map Skills B

Spelling Power or R&S Spelling 3 & 4

Girl Scouts - Brownie



Am I missing anything? Is it overkill in anything?

It's overkill. :)


I would not have her do Daily Grammar--she'll get plenty of grammar with CTGE. I wouldn't have her do Pathway readers with workbooks plus SL readers. Probably wouldn't do Spelling Power or Spelling by Sound and Structure, either, not at her age. I'm not familiar with Tour the Continents, but I wouldn't do that as well as Map Skills.

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