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This is a huge list of links for high school science. Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Some are free; some are paid subscriptions. I've only clicked on a few links.


Both of my sons have read ahead in science. They have been interested and have just "kept reading" in the books.. They are finishing Module 15 in the next few days. (8th grader Phys Sci and 11th grader Chemisty). They have missed experiments, study guides, and tests. They enjoy READING but not the assignments..... maybe it is spring fever? I have "enough" assignments to average grades anyway.


(One of the problems with me working outside the home is that it makes it harder for me to stop them from reading ahead. A good problem to have I suppose.)


I've decided to let them go ahead and "just read" Module 16 in their books. I thought I'd find some online resources they could use to finish our year. One resource I plan to use is Khan Academy for Chemistry.


I hope to do some more research on this and post more links here!


I hope this is helpful to y'all!


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