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Transitioning to Singapore - which materials, where to start?


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I'm considering Singapore for my oldest, who will be in 3rd grade next year. He's finishing up CLE 200 now. He can add and subtract, but not from memory - uses his abacus or fingers to find many of the sums. He understands multiplication, but isn't at all fluent with the facts.


Where would we start? Is there a placement test we'd need to take? I didn't learn math conceptually as a child, so I'd need some hand holding to "get" the concept my child is supposed to be learning. What materials would we need in each level?

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Do the placement test. I'd guess somewhere in 2A or 2B (not sure of exact scope and sequence between the two, but 3A gets into long division, so you don't want to go there yet ;) ).


Get the HIG, textbook, workbook, and either EP or IP (EP = same level of difficulty as workbook, IP = a little more to a lot more challenging than workbook). I also like CWP, and it explains the bar diagrams very well.


Essentials are HIG/TB/WB though. That just may not be enough practice, as the program is meant to include EP or IP (EP is scheduled in the HIG, IP is not... most use IP a little bit behind where they are, to give more review).

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We are currently switching from the US edition of Singapore to the Standards edition. The HIGs of the Standards editions are much better than the US. I purchased mine new on eBay from a seller who is great to work with and will combine shipping charges....$4 for the first two books and $.50 for each thereafter.


Based on the recommendations of many on this forum, I also purchased "Elementary Mathematics for Teachers" by Parker and Baldridge. I highly recommend getting it. I found it used on Amazon, but it is available new at the Singapore Math site. The shipping is very expensive there, though.

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We switched from public school to Singapore math (homeschool) this past year, starting with book 3A for my 4th grade daughter. We took the placement test and that's where she wound up, though some sections of the book were not new to her and we will finish the book in a few weeks, moving on to level 4 right away.


We use the HIG, TB, and WB, but not extra practice. We did spring for an ixl.com membership which has helped to provide additional practice on some concepts, and she likes doing it on the computer. We've used it primarily for memorizing the multiplication and division facts, for extra practice in US measurement, and for extra practice in manipulating fractions.


We did not buy any manipulatives, instead using decks of cards, index cards, and dice for the games; I used a few sheets of craft foam to make number discs; we copied the 100s chart and fraction bars; we use legos as well.


I really like the extra activities in the HIG! They help my daughter to feel like we're working on this together, and they help to cement the facts in her head.

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We are currently switching from the US edition of Singapore to the Standards edition. The HIGs of the Standards editions are much better than the US. I purchased mine new on eBay from a seller who is great to work with and will combine shipping charges....$4 for the first two books and $.50 for each thereafter.


Based on the recommendations of many on this forum, I also purchased "Elementary Mathematics for Teachers" by Parker and Baldridge. I highly recommend getting it. I found it used on Amazon, but it is available new at the Singapore Math site. The shipping is very expensive there, though.


What is the difference between US and Standards?

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