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SOTW 1 notebook


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Hey all--


I just posted about our history notebook for next year. If you don't mind, please, go take a look and tell me what you think(Be gentle!). I've thought about making them available for download on my website, but I'm not sure about the copyrighting issue for the pictures and I don't know if people would want it without the pictures, plus it's 101 pages long which would be a big file to download. Anyways, you can find the post here, let me know what you think.

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I've thought about making them available for download on my website, but I'm not sure about the copyrighting issue for the pictures and I don't know if people would want it without the pictures,


Hi Paige. It looks to me like the website you used for most of them (you mention on your blog) is copyrighted work; if you wanted to make your work available for people I would either look for free-use images, or since you use that one primary source contact the artist and ask her if you can use them.

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I know that I can't make it available, even for free, the way it it because of copyright laws. I was thinking about deleting all the pictures and then putting it up, but then that takes away alot of the benefit of them. They are not all from that website, some of them are free-use images, but it would be hard to get permission from every site I used. Thanks, though!

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I've been dealing with these same issues, so I know where you're coming from. A big draw is usually the pictures, but they're so hard to "deal with", the copyright issues and the file size, as you mentioned.


I had chatted a while back with a professor who wrote a book on copyright issues and the internet. He had made similar suggestions, there are several sources to look for copyright free images to use. My problem has always been the time factor involved. There was a website linked here a couple months ago for free readers, and I liked how they handled the pictures issue. They used copyright-free materials, but they had a listing at the beginning of each book (like a "List of Illustrations") and gave the website where it came from. I have been toying with that idea, I like that it is up front and thorough, and it makes it easy to go back and change if you had a complaint from someone.


I also thought about picture alteration. I'm not sure how much change needs to be there before it is considered your own work...


I think that was the professor's main emphasis in our discussion, the need for transparency. Particularly with the internet, if you have used a picture that someone finds objectionable for whatever reason, it's easy to go back and remove it -- a lot easier than if you had printed out a bunch of books.


I know this wasn't necessarily the gist of your original post, so I'm sorry to derail it, but it's an issue I've been wrestling with myself...

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Don't worry about the derailment, I know what you mean! It was such a hassle when I did my science curriculum that I just broke down and drew my own. It was alot of work (over 100 drawing for the biology alone!), but in the end it was worth it. If I'm going to offer the notebook pages for free, I'm not going to do that again, YKWIM. Copyrighting and the internet can be a tough subject. It's easy to break them since the info is so readily available, but as an author, I want to try not to do that to someone else. We'll see!

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