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Book list suggestions needed

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Our new plan :rolleyes: is to save Biology for 10th grade. Dd is now planning to take four online classes through FLVS. She will not have texts and a major problem with these classes (in my opinion) is the lack of assigned reading - no context. So we'd love suggestions in order to put together a 10-12 book list to read and discuss only, that will help tie these four classes together (and are interesting to read.)


Science - AP Environmental Science

History - AP Human Geography

Elective - Anthropology (.5 credit fall)

Elective - Sociology (.5 credit spring)



Possibilities already on my shelves:


Guns, Germs and Steel

Material World

Hungry Planet

Poor People

Sand County Almanac

Rachel Carson books

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Kon Tiki (Heyerdahl)

Black Like Me (Griffin)

Bruchko (Olson)



I've not read these, but the premise of each sounds interesting -- living in the shoes of another for a year:

- Nickel and Dimed On (Not) Getting By in America (Barbara Ehrenreich)

- The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible (A. J. Jacobs)

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