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Sonlight and Visual Spatial Learners


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I keep seeing that SL is a good fit/option for a VSL - has anyone used this with their VSL learner and agree? I've struggled over the past few years trying to find a fit for my VSL ds (entering 4th) and right now we are working in HOD's Beyond (he's not a big writer hence Beyond versus Bigger). He does okay with the history portion but truly enjoys most of the hands-on activity. Science is hit or miss but I've added in GuestHollow's Human Body study and he enjoys that a lot. I use other things for LA/Reading so this is just for history. Some days we'll finish reading (just a few short pages) but he can't tell me anything he read about - but if there is something hands-on that ties to it the retention or at least the ability to answer a question or two is there. I keep looking at SL and I know it doesn't have hands-on per se but now they offer a CD that supposedly helps add in that aspect? Just curious if anyone else has had success (or learning enjoyment) using SL with VSL kiddo?

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I used it with my oldest son and didn't even attempt with with my VSL. Listening to chapter books read aloud was too difficult. He does best with hands-on activities for content subjects and lots of one-on-one with other subjects.


Can he understand the information when he reads it? My son does much better when he reads it. When I read something I usually stop after 1-2 pages and ask him to tell me what I have read. He can do it now, but it took a lot of practice to get there.


I make up my own history and we typically use lots of books that I read aloud, but most of the books I chose have pictures which greatly increases his ability to follow along with the information. We also do projects and watch DVDs on the topic.

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Sonlight history would be awful on it's own for VSLs. There are no hands-on activities, it's just books. Now, if you wanted to supplement with something else, the books are good (for now), but if you're going to do that, you might want to look around at something with more activities.

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Read alouds do NOT work well for my VSL so Sonlight wouldn't be a good fit. He retains very little of what is read to him. It helps to have him doing something while I'm reading (like coloring) but it still isn't the best way for him to learn. He needs to see things, do things and interact.

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Sonlight did not work for my vsl. She's mostly visual, and there was nothing to look at.


Maybe KONOS kits or Evan Moor History Pockets or Draw and Write Through History?


Personally, we just use Usborne First Encyclopedia of History as a spine and heavily supplement with picture books and movies and BJU Heritage Studies books (we're in Colonial America now so this works).

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