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Online Photo Backup

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I don't, but I hear good things about Backblaze on a photography forum I visit.


External hard drives are getting less and less expensive all the time, and you can buy them for roughly what a year of online backup costs. We have one hooked up to our PC that automatically backs up all the time :)

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It has an annual fee, but it's not much (and varies by account level) and it's worth the peace of mind - it's saved me when I had an external hard drive (with 5 years of photos!) die and another eHD get banged up by a falling Kingfisher World History book (boo! Who's idea was it to use that big, heavy thing?! ;)): www.smugmug.com


I like that you can set it up however you like, and how you can keep it all private OR give access to anyone you choose at varying levels. I keep mine password protected, plus I'm able to let friends/family across and away right-click/download to their own computers (while also being able to restrict others from doing so). Best of all, it's super easy to transfer photos because they give you several options to choose from. And they have a free app, so even my iPhone/iPad photos will automatically upload.


They let you do a free trial, so see if you like it! They also have friendly, quick-moving forums to help you with photography skills and/or just the mechanics of setting up your personal webpage.

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