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Vision (screening for VT) appt in a couple of days...

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What should I be looking for/expecting/asking? I've talked to one of the doctor's assistants and discussed the concerns I have with two of my children. She sort of gave me a list of how they do things "We will perform tests w,x, and y. We may, based on results of those tests, perform test z. That test might be later. We will recommend therapies, if needed, to help with the issues found in testing."


I'm just wondering if there is anything *I* need to bring up at the screening. Do I need to bring samples of schoolwork, so she could see the youngests issues with handwriting? We've already discussed insurance and payment/cost factors.


Will I find anything out the day of, or is it like a NP appt, where you wait a week or two to get a write up. If they should happen to decide that day that the kids need the therapy - and assuming I have the option of morning/evening and beginning or ending of week.... - when do you recommend the therapy be scheduled to best maximize it's results *and* maybe make your child more receptive/productive during sessions? Or does it matter at all :D We take Fridays off right now, but our appt is Wednesday this week, so we are schooling M/T and Th/F this week. I'm thinking that, given the 2 hour round trip to the town where VT is located, and the fact that it could be 2 hours of therapy (an hour per boy) once there, and the possibility that they may be worn out following therapy...should I try for an afternoon and do light school that morning? Or would that just be trying too hard? And, what do your kids do following VT? Are they cranky? Hyper?


I had youngest working on a hidden picture from Highlights Jr today. He did pretty well, but I had to tell thim the area of the picture to search for the object. Still, after about half done, he complained that his eyes hurt. I would imagine that therapy would be that kind of strain x1000 or so...can I expect him to have migraines (he had them alot during Public School, but has only had 2 since coming home to HS)? I know all kids are different/have different problems/respond to therapy differently...but what other general knowledge can you share?

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Well as for what you should take and do, I think you should take a BIG BAG OF CHOCOLATE (or whatever else makes you peaceful) and RELAX. Honest. Sounds like they've got this under control!


As far as the appointments, if *I* were driving 2 hours each way (which I've done btw), I'd think of my sanity. I did it for many months for my ds's speech therapy, and it was extremely hard on me. Like I gained 20 pounds in a year. I'm tempted to say don't do it. I did it and don't regret what I did, but I *had* to for the sake of my ds's speech, kwim? As absolutely soon as we were able to start spacing those appointments and still progress, we went to every other week and then once a month. There is NOTHING pressing on these kids that you should wear yourself out to the point of extreme exhaustion over this. My ds's issue was that without that, he wasn't going to be able to speak. Your kids will be able to see, no matter what, and spaced appointments just means they give you more homework. Email exists. They can answer your questions and keep in close contact.


So the very first thing *I* would decide in your shoes is what schedule is realistic for YOU. Don't get pulled by the horns in any other way. Think of your health. Don't worry about the school work. They're young enough that it's really not an issue, honest. I'm talking how much financially and physically you can handle those trips and how you want them spaced. Then walk right in and tell them that's the way it needs to be and let them figure it out. If you don't, they're just gonna do what they would do to anyone local. And when you go crazy and gain 30 pounds eating fast food and drinking caffeine trying to stay awake on the road, don't come calling to me! :)


I'm just joking, but seriously I know that is rough. Decide it first. They can give you homework and work around it.


As far as the time of the appointment, I wouldn't care about the school work. I'd just think about what is practical and when they'll feel best. For instance if they're used to naps, don't put it during that nap/rest time. Do'nt put it when they'll be hungry. Plan it such that you can wake at a normal, reasonable hour, do the 2 hour drive, eat a snack when you get there, and still be early/on time for the appointment. That's what I do with our speech stuff. For us that works out to be a noon appointment. You go get Panera or something while the boys are in their sessions and feed them when they get out. Then they rest on the way home and you come home to a dh who made dinner. (Haha, dream on.)


You'll be fine. Your place sounds very thorough!

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Along with the big bag of chocolate, if you do feel there are handwriting issues, then by all means bring a sample of that. Our eye doc made a copy of ds's handwriting sample that I brought.


If you don't already have a time set for the conference to go over the results, I'd call and see if they could somehow do it right after the testing, considering the distance involved for you (our doc typically does it at a separate appointment, but we live locally).

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