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Saxon Intermediate 3 - any users?


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I used Saxon K 1-2 with 2 boys. I was just plain tired of it and my 3rd DS just got bogged down in Saxon 2 last year often saying, "I don't get it!" So I tried MM 2 this year ( he didn't seem ready for MM3). It's been a nice change but I do plan on using Saxon 5/4 year after next and DS told me he hates MM and really misses Saxon. Dilemna - next year -do I use traditional Saxon 3 or try Saxon Intermediate 3 which looks very different and is supposed to be a bridge to 5/4. He's an older 2nd grade right now (held back summer baby).

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I won't be much help but I can answer questions if no one else can help you. :)

We used Horizons k-2, but since I knew we'd be switching to 5/4 we went with 3 Intermediate to start transitioning her to independent learning.

We really like it. For the most part she's done fine on her own. We're in lesson 90 now.

It starts with a power up (to wake up her brain). They are great but frustrating to me because there is no key. Then there are 4-6 review problems, then the new material. The bulk of the lesson is 20 problems that are some review and some new. For these, there is a key.

There is a test every 5 lessons.

I wish I knew how it compared to Larson's or 5/4 and up since everyone says there is too much. 3 Intermeiate is definitely less "stuff" than Horizons.

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I am currently using (nearing the end of) Saxon Intermediate 3 with my son. We used Saxon k-2 and we LOVE using intermediate 3.


I really thought the earlier levels were good but I was REALLY tired of the meeting and the "flow" of the earlier levels. They were great for him but I can't tell you how glad we are to be using this version for 3. I don't know if I could have taken another year of the earlier levels.


My youngest is actually starting on the Saxon journey now and I am secretly dreading going through K-2 again, but I will because it was really good for my son.


I don't know if I really added anything to this discussion. The Nancy Larson versions of Saxon (K-2) started out with a meeting every day that went over various skills, a drill sheet, a lesson, and then a worksheet that had 2 sides to it. It would take us about an hour to get through it all.


Using Intermediate it is about 45 minutes all told but it just feels very different. I am not sure if I can explain why, its just a bit more to the point and we've been having great results with it this year. My son was also enthusiastic about the change as before with the NL saxon he didn't have a "textbook" and I guess he likes that its HIS book and not me teaching from a Teacher's Manual.


Anyway, I hope something in there was helpful.

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Thank you - these comments were very helpful. I left Saxon because I just was so tired of the format of k-2 with 2 kids and truly couldn't do another year like that. So, I think if we go back to Saxon I will try the Intermediate 3. I'll look at it at our conference this summer.

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