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Starting Homeschool in 7th grade - any advice?

Guest Whipperwhirl

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Guest Whipperwhirl

Please bear with me - Im new to this forum and I am still feeling my way around. We are selling our house and 98% of our possesions in order to live a simplier life.


Part of this plan involves "roadschooling" my children. I have three kids - 5 months, 7 years (1st grade) and 12 years (6th grade). We will be spending the warm months on the road - exploring the US. The winter months will be spent renting a home near family and friends.


My 12y/o is extremely bright, gifted by public school standards, but the more I look into homeschooling - I can't help like feeling she is way behind. I know I shouldn't put this kind of pressure on us - every kid is different - I just wish I had thought of road/home schooling years ago.


I guess my biggest concern is her foundation. Has anyone started "the classical education" in the middle grades like this that can offer some advice?

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This is our 2nd year homeschooling, last year my oldest was in 7th. I also had 4th and 1st graders.


The toughest part about it was finding out where they were at in terms of subjects, which curriculum fit. At first I jumped in with all sorts of different things...and was quickly overwhelmed.


Some don't like it, but I still recommend Cathy Duffy's book about homeschooling. It helped me figure out what kind of learners my kids are and what kind/style of teacher I am. If I had started there, I'd have been further ahead.


My other hard and fast recommendations: A period of de-schooling. When they've been in the system for that long, they need to learn the new lifestyle. That doesn't mean do nothing, it means explore. Read a lot, explore, take field trips.


One or two subjects at a time. Figure out what math program works, what grammar. Read about other subjects in the meantime, but don't add any other curricula until you get the basics. Lots of people told me that and I didn't listen. I should have.


Welcome. :)

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My 12y/o is extremely bright, gifted by public school standards, but the more I look into homeschooling - I can't help like feeling she is way behind. I know I shouldn't put this kind of pressure on us - every kid is different - I just wish I had thought of road/home schooling years ago.




One thing that homeschooling has taught me is that there's nobody to be ahead or behind of.... it's just you and your child... and you'll meet them where they're at... and wherever that is, it's okay. Homeschooling has also reinforced the idea that grade levels and textbooks and standards are incredibly arbitrary. They're created by well-meaning educators, but not by anyone who knows anything about my children and their strengths and weaknesses and desires and quirks and potential. I know some homeschooling parents hang on to the idea that one topic should be learned in a certain year or that their child is ahead of the state standards or behind them... But it is so freeing to let it all go and just focus on your child.

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We started homeschooling the year my oldest entered 7th. I recommend starting where she is and not worry about where she would be in public school. I also recommend starting with just the basics until you get into a routine and then add in other things as you feel up to it.

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