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4th grade math-reasonable


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You may remember my struggles with Horizon last fall. She had done some TT4, so I switched to doing that every single day. A typical lesson takes her about 20 minutes. I was doing extra math but stopped when her multiplication became in the 90 percentile range. In January I also started doing just sections of Math Mammoth 3. I do the word problem pages and the pages that take the thinking. So right now her schedule is TT 4 in the morning - lesson takes 20 minutes

Math Mammoth in the afternoon for 20 minutes or so.


I would like to add x-tra math. She has been begging to do that again but instead of TT. Sorry, x-tra math is just drill.


So then it would be TT4, Math Mammoth 3 and soon going into 4. and x-tra math division.


She is going to scream.. but this is reasonable, is it not?? BTW we are on lesson 95 on TT4 so when we finish that we will go on to TT5 which I just bought.

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Only you will know if it is reasonable. My 4th grader does a Saxon math lesson and drill sheet. It takes between 45-60 minutes most days. She also does some Balance Math sheets for fun. She has finished up LOF Fractions this year and is starting Decimals and Percents. She is working through a fractions workbook. We have just added Singapore's CWP's and Hands-On-Equations to her math, but we won't do them everyday. Some people would find this unreasonable.;) Dd thinks it is par for the course. If your Dd needs the additional practice, she needs it. If she doesn't need it, you have decide what you are willing to ask of her.

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