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Do you use a record book or a planner/plans?


Do you use a record book or planner?  

  1. 1. Do you use a record book or planner?

    • Yes ... both! (Please specify which brand...)
    • Only a record book.
    • Only a planner.
    • Neither. (Explain)

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I have always just made my own in Word in 6 week increments. 5 days across and subjects in blocks, printed. So it'll say down the blocks for Monday,






And so on. As we finish books such as Science I just re-do my document in Word and print 6 weeks again.


***i do not plan far in advance. My dc use it as a checklist but I then agree the fact log the page numbers as per state requirements.****


This year I will be no longer using Word because my ds in 5th grade requires much more detail in his planner. So now I'm using these:




The Homeschool Planbook


The layout of that planner is awesome. But I'll still mostly log as we go rather than plan ahead. I will write the subjects ahead of time, and then in the morning I will add specifics and page numbers so it doubles as my dc's checklist and as my log for the state.


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For years, I used a Word document. I created a table for each day of the week, and would list everything my daughter needed to do. I'd just keep it open on my computer, and highlight the completed items in yellow. At the end of the week, I'd create a new document from my template, and cut and paste in anything that wasn't highlighted to move it over to the new week.


A few years ago, I switched to using the Catholic student planners from Pflaum. They're inexpensive and colorful, and the format fits us really well. I use the intermediate level planner for all the kids, because I really like the layout. Each kid gets their own planner (except my oldest, who doesn't need one this year.) On Sunday afternoon, I sit down and write out next week's assignments. Then they can get their work done without asking me what to do next.

This looks interesting. Currently using a mix between paper planners and www.homeschoolskedtrack.com I don't like that it requires hours per grade that really gets to me considering my state does not have a hour requirement. I tried HST+ that was a disaster. I tried edutrack and recently thought I would go back to it but something strange is going on with their company the website has not be updated since 2009 so I think I need to stick with just a paper planner and input everything in computer planner so that I can get a print out of report cards etc. Seriously considering making my own product.

Edited by tuzor
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This is going to take a lot of my small mental abilities to explain today (I have a splitting headache that involves me not moving more than a millimeter !)


We were using filing crates last year, but due to problems with that (needing more than 1 crate, the metal of the files grating on my nerves, papers curling etc) this year we are going with binders.


I have a teachers binder that has my calendar in it (dated) this is mainly for household and myself, it also has "Resources" (stuff that can't be divided into weeks, lapbook templates that are for mutiple weeks, alphabet posters for pre-k curriculum etc) and a few other bits and pieces in there. That binder usually remains open to the appropriate calendar week.


Next I have binders labelled 1-6 each carrying 6 weeks worth of materials, at the front of each week is a file folder with a tab attached showing the week, behind that is a sonlight inspired planner for that week. I never date these planners, its all just week 1, day 1 etc. It's very sonlight looking with notes on the subjects behind it, behind that is supply lists for the week (books needed, movies needed, supplies needed etc) All materials are hole punched and in there ready. Each child has their own "colour" so a sticker is put on the back bottom corner of any worksheet (red dot etc) to show who the worksheet belongs to.


Next I have the weekly guide binder, I take a week out of the other binders and plonk it in here. The File Folder is put at the pack of the pile of papers, and the supplies list is put "inside" it. The planner stays upfront. I also have a clipboard if I want to clip the planner on there and leave the notes section open in the binder, so I don't have to constantly "flip" pages. A few more file folders with tabs divide the materials by day in the weekly binder (day 1, day2 etc). I cross/tick items we've done off the planner as we go, and the materials/worksheets that are done go into that days "folder" inside the binder, and are put behind the weekly folder, at the end of the week, I put each lot of days into the weekly folder in order, and plonk it in my "to file" box (I file this stuff about every 4-6 weeks) the daily empty dividers/fodlers stay in the weekly guide binder.


Now to the bit your really after. The supplies list and any other extraeneous (sp? lol) stuff is removed. Now because two of my kids are young, they just follow on with DD, but they do have they're own "planner" sheet. I have two copies of the young ones planner sheets, and I have the normal sheets for the weekly plans. I have 3 big binders, each labelled with their inital and their colour. Each binder gets the weekly plan and the associated stuff put behind it in order. That way I have a detailed record of what we did and the worksheets. I practically keep everything lol. Since everything (including reading and oral plans) are listed on that planner in some form or another, it shows everything we do. If I fill up the binder, I get another one. I don't label more than their name till the end of the school year, at that time I put the school year/s and the number (1 of 2) if there is more than one binder. At this time, I will also collect up all the workbooks done, and these are just placed inside, in the front of the binder. I then wrap bands etc around the binder to hold it closed, and its stored on top of the back bookshelves in the library room.


I know its not exactly the answer you were after, but since you after ideas, hopefully this helps in some way :) I refuse to date anything as we school year round (and sometime if unexpected events crop up, it may take us 3 days to do "day 1". I also do not like constantly "flipping" back and forth in a binder, so as such I have the teachers binder I can leave open to dated calendar and the weekly guide that stays open to the undated lesson plan. The dated calendar does not record anything school related and is more for momma (but things like school trips/events that have dates do get put on that calendar.


Note - We live in a region/place where there is no real homeschooling requirements, so to that end I do overplan and overrecord far more than I need to, but on the other end of the spectrum, those with requirements may have to add an attendance chart and other requirements to the teachers binder.


HTH xxx

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I use something like this to plan our school days (subjects, activities, etc.). I write grades for some of their subjects in the back of the planner. My favorite planner is the one that comes with folder pockets, but those have not been available at Staples the past couple of years.


I also use a pocket planner to schedule everything in my life (definitely keeps me sane).


I voted "both" but to be honest I wasn't quite sure this was what you were looking for. :blush:

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