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Tutoring/Taking on another child

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So dd will be doing 1st next year (advanced). Most of what we are doing is "do the next thing". Anyway, my friend has a 3 year old (4 in October) who is also advanced, about where dd was at her age. Anyway she will most likely be keeping dd for awhile while I do my internship and since I'm homeschooling dd, she has mentioned a few times to exchange time I take on her dd (L) and do a Preschool/Pre-k program with her (essentially what I'm doing with my dd this year).


I have told her that if I do it she'd provide curriculum (I have a lot of it but if she has anything specific she wants to use since she knows her dd much better than I know her since she sees her daily) and I'd handle the rest of stuff. Incrementally it's not much more to make another sandwich or whatever and field trip wise (aquarium, nature walks) she said she'd pay for gas/admission and such.


Has anyone done this, taken on a friend of their child's or a neighbor child to tutor/teach?

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I taught my nephew for the year before he went to ps kindergarten. He didn't know any of his letters, numbers, barely knew shapes, etc. My SIL was worried that they wouldn't let him start because he was so behind (mostly because she is a very hands off parent :glare:). I let him join right in with my DD, who at the time was a year younger than he was. It really wasn't hard at all and I just had SIL provide anything extra I needed.


I had another friend recently ask me to actually homeschool her child if she paid me when it was time for her to start K next year, but that is illegal (I think ) here if you aren't a family member(at least after the compulsory age).


ETA: My situation was slightly different because we were doing basic preschool type stuff with a little extra for my dd. We weren't in a full blown curriculum yet.

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L knows her letters, how to write, basic math functions (adding, subtraction, etc). Her mom would love to home school her but she can't really right now because she has twin infants. I'll have to check my local laws, didn't even think about the legal issue.

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If the child is only 4, you won't likely have legal issues this year, it would just be something to keep in mind for the future, as if this situation continues, it would likely be an issue when she's 5 or 6 (depending on your local laws).


You and she need to be very clear at the beginning about expectations as far as educational goals and methods and also behavioral standards and consequences. Those are the things that I've seen tear friendships apart when people have tried arrangements like you describe.

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Thank you. Those are all great things to think of. We would draw up a "contract" kind of document I guess. It's just something we've discussed in passing don't know how serious she was. She's got a school she is interested in and if she can't get her dd in she mentioned she asked if I'd "teach" her dd

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My understanding is that you can do it in NC with one of two criteria.


1. You are a licensed teacher in the state.

2. You call yourself a "tutor" and the parents check off the actual work.




I taught my nephew for the year before he went to ps kindergarten. He didn't know any of his letters, numbers, barely knew shapes, etc. My SIL was worried that they wouldn't let him start because he was so behind (mostly because she is a very hands off parent :glare:). I let him join right in with my DD, who at the time was a year younger than he was. It really wasn't hard at all and I just had SIL provide anything extra I needed.


I had another friend recently ask me to actually homeschool her child if she paid me when it was time for her to start K next year, but that is illegal (I think ) here if you aren't a family member(at least after the compulsory age).


ETA: My situation was slightly different because we were doing basic preschool type stuff with a little extra for my dd. We weren't in a full blown curriculum yet.

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