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LL7 or Galore Park English

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I think my older daughter (and her 11 yr old friend who studies with us) are ready for some literature study. My ultimate goal is that they will be able to analyze texts in order to discuss and write about them. I think the samples look good for both series. What are the differences between LL and Galore Park SYRWL English? I know LL uses entire works and Galore Park uses excerpts... but other than that, are they comparable in scope? Is one more engaging than the other? More advanced? Are they consecutive --does LL8 build on LL7 and should you use Galore Park English 1 before using 2? Are they both full-year programs?



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I think Lightning Lit is going to fit your goals better than Galore Park. We've used and like both programs but they are not comparable at all. Galore Park is more of a general English program and not a lit study. The excerpts that they use are quite good and there are some good suggestions for further reading but there isn't any text analysis or very much writing.


Of the two LL is more challenging and myds13 finds it more engaging than Galore Park. There still isn't much literary analysis with LL7 (although I am under the impression that it builds up to this in subsequent levels) but it is more in depth and you learn different literary terms and there are more writing assignments.


They are both full year programs.

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I'd go with LL7. The GP programme is a brilliant all-round programme but we actually supplemented it with LL7 in order to study complete works of literature. FWIW, GP was written for use in schools, where they would also supplement with study of longer works.



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