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Times Tales Question


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Are children who use times tales to memorize times tables (assuming they understand multiplication first) able to be as fast as children who memorize them by rote?


I know it will vary by the individual student, I'm trying to determine if introducing this method will hinder some students from developing automaticity. And, if it would hinder some: how many and what type of learner.


Thank you!

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It is a good question. I know my son was not able (over a 6 month time period) to remember any times tables at all (other than 0-2's, and 10 and 11's) until we got Times tales. He now can remember most in under 3 seconds. His speed isn't always great - for just the reason you are concerned about - he is thinking about the story. But for me it was a great alternative to struggling unsuccessfully with flashcards. I love Times Tales (although I have never seen the DVD - we use the flip chart) and am glad we have used it.

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Dd8 didn't need to use the stories after a couple of readings through the book. She has known her tables cold for the past 18 months or so. Ds7 has been using TT for a month or so. If he gets stuck on a problem, I'll prompt him on the story (or he'll remember it himself). It shouldn't take him long to drop the crutch the stories provide. In the meantime it takes him 5 minutes to do a multiplication sheet instead of 50. And that is good enough for me.;)

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For me, I am just so happy with how it helped dd learn her times tables. I think doing it more with just rote memorization would have bored her to death, not to mention how much more time I would have spent doing it with her. I am not concerned about speed, yet. She just turned 8, so we are fine. I do have go on the Math is Fun site and do a timed multiplication trainer game. Her goal is to fill in the whole table correctly in less and less time.

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