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My weather radio isn't working

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We are getting some bad weather and when I hit the weather button I can hear the weather and watch/warning news. But the alarm hasn't gone off and the only way I knew weather was coming was from an email alert sent to me, which isn't going to help in the middle of the night :confused:


I reset it to the factory defaults and started over. I have set it to the right country, have all the right alerts chosen, have the alert button ON and the thing is silent. We are under a watch right now and none of the lights on the side ( watch, warning, advisory) are lit up and the alarm hasn't gone off yet.


:banghead: I am going to have to shut down soon so I hope someone has some quick ideas LOL.

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Stay up all night and sit watch? Okay, just kidding. I would be tempted to do so though LOL! Storms totally freak me out. We have a weather radio and occasionally it has had a glitch or something where it does not sound an alarm. I know this because my parents have the exact same radio and they live right around the corner from me. One time my mom mentioned something about her alarm going off and mine didnt.


I dont know what to do though.....I would probably stay awake until the brunt of the storm passes. That's just me though. I'm paranoid like that LOL. I hope that you guys are safe tonight!

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Oh man, I wish I could help you! We finally had to turn our darn thing off. We live 2 blocks from a lake and the stupid thing kept going off when there was a marine warning. Well, we aren't on a boat, so we don't need to know that - thank-you-very-much!!!


On nights like this, dh or I stays awake and watches tv or listens to the radio for warnings. We've had a BUNCH of them lately!! (People in our area have been without electricity since last Monday's storm! There was a downed wire in our neighborhood and school was cancelled for TWO days because they electric company couldn't keep up!! Yikes!)


Anyway, I hope you stay safe! We're in the same situation tonight! Thunderstorm watch so far - but thunder is in the distance, so it'll be a warning soon enough. And, when we have a thunderstorm here in MI, tornado watches usually go hand in hand!!

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Oh man, I wish I could help you! We finally had to turn our darn thing off. We live 2 blocks from a lake and the stupid thing kept going off when there was a marine warning. Well, we aren't on a boat, so we don't need to know that - thank-you-very-much!!!


On nights like this, dh or I stays awake and watches tv or listens to the radio for warnings. We've had a BUNCH of them lately!! (People in our area have been without electricity since last Monday's storm! There was a downed wire in our neighborhood and school was cancelled for TWO days because they electric company couldn't keep up!! Yikes!)


Anyway, I hope you stay safe! We're in the same situation tonight! Thunderstorm watch so far - but thunder is in the distance, so it'll be a warning soon enough. And, when we have a thunderstorm here in MI, tornado watches usually go hand in hand!!


Gosh, I wish my DH would help with that. I'm the only one that loses sleep over storms. He never worries about a thing. I, however, worry about everything. So if anyone is stuck sitting up at night and watching the weather....it's always me. :glare:

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Gosh, I wish my DH would help with that. I'm the only one that loses sleep over storms. He never worries about a thing. I, however, worry about everything. So if anyone is stuck sitting up at night and watching the weather....it's always me. :glare:



LOL I'm the worrier too!!! Luckily, I'm blessed with a dh who needs next to NO sleep. So, even if he's not worried about the storm he stays up for me!!! Yup - I'm lucky and I know it!

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Thanks. We are in the clear for now and I pray it stays that way! I am going to breing this back to Radio Shack tomorrow and hopefully get a new one. It has been a PITB since we bought it.


Yes. Take it back to RS and get your money back. Don't get a new one. Go to sleep at night and STOP WORRYING!!!! You will drive yourself insane if you try to anticipate the move of every storm. You live in Arkansas now and well, we have storms sometimes. If they are going on when it is time for bed, stay up and watch the warnings. Otherwise, go to sleep and try to sleep. :grouphug:

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Yes. Take it back to RS and get your money back. Don't get a new one. Go to sleep at night and STOP WORRYING!!!! You will drive yourself insane if you try to anticipate the move of every storm. You live in Arkansas now and well, we have storms sometimes. If they are going on when it is time for bed, stay up and watch the warnings. Otherwise, go to sleep and try to sleep. :grouphug:


I am going to try to sleep tonight, I just hate not knowing what's going on. When it storms we lose TV and the comptuers are off, so if the radio isn't working I am clueless.

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I am going to try to sleep tonight, I just hate not knowing what's going on. When it storms we lose TV and the comptuers are off, so if the radio isn't working I am clueless.



No, you aren't clueless. Listen to the weather. The actual weather...not the news. If things turn weird you will know. Listen for that roar....that means get everyone to the safest place you can. Get a battery operated radio in case you lose power and if you wake up in the middle of the night you can listen in. I worked with a lady for 13 years who had one of those stupid weather radios and she drove herself near insane because it woke her up so often. Tornados are real and they are dangerous. But if you have a plan, you will have about 2 minutes to get everyone into the baths or hall ways. I've heard of people who wake up to ripped off roofs, but hey you can't spend every night awake worrying about that!


We went through a F4 tornado in 1996. It hit about 12:20 a.m. Only 2 people lost their lives. 1000 homes were damaged. There is actually very little you can do. So stop fretting and get some sleep. Please. :)

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No, you aren't clueless. Listen to the weather. The actual weather...not the news. If things turn weird you will know. Listen for that roar....that means get everyone to the safest place you can. Get a battery operated radio in case you lose power and if you wake up in the middle of the night you can listen in. I worked with a lady for 13 years who had one of those stupid weather radios and she drove herself near insane because it woke her up so often. Tornados are real and they are dangerous. But if you have a plan, you will have about 2 minutes to get everyone into the baths or hall ways. I've heard of people who wake up to ripped off roofs, but hey you can't spend every night awake worrying about that!


We went through a F4 tornado in 1996. It hit about 12:20 a.m. Only 2 people lost their lives. 1000 homes were damaged. There is actually very little you can do. So stop fretting and get some sleep. Please. :)


You're right. Thanks for the butt kick LOL :grouphug:

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