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Wow, produce here is amazing!!

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I went grocery shopping today with my dad and I was just really struck by how lush and *huge* everything is! The apples are twice as big as the apples we get back home, and the variety! And all of it in such pristine condition, lol! At home we usually have a set group of produce that is always available and generally in ok condition, although even tomatoes go through periods where they just look really poor. But some days I go and everything just looks blah.. and then things come in season, so I know that for a month or so in the summer we'll get really great mangos but then it's done until next year.. but here, it's like gorgeous stuff all the time; I had either forgotten about that, or it's gotten more *more* kwim?


Kate (currently in USA)

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Every time I visit the States I'm struck by different things. Today when we walked into the store I felt like I was in some kind of magazine ad or something, lol.


Also the tv commercials; I guess since at home we don't have a cable hookup (the kids watch dvds or video cassettes) we're just not used to the constant marketing the kids are currently ingesting on the cartoon stations. That and I realize now how much tv in censored in the UAE :001_unsure:

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You are very right about tv. We didn't have cable for a while, but we got it a few months ago. Now, when my dc watch cartoons they ask "Mom, can I have that?!?" every five minutes. I don't know which is better, our commercials or your censoring. :) As for your amazing produce, in the UAE they must wait till the produce is actually ripe before they pick it! Please eat something good for me!

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go over to visit my parents, they usually have the TV on for part of the time. We just can't believe what it's like these days, it's so easy to forget that aspect of modern culture, we are not connected to it.


My husband lived in Egypt for 3 years and when he came back to the US he said the weirdest thing was having to choose a type of toothpaste! You could stay in the store all day, just trying to decide on soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and lotion! :lol: Too many choices, but I'm glad you have nice produce today!

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in the other direction (more or less... he was travelling to Israel, coming from the US), he said the produce there was tiny except the carrots! I don't know what the deal is with the carrots, but he took a picture just to prove it -- they were enormous! Like the size of your forearm!


I know what you mean about the advertising on TV too -- we went without cable for a long time (when we lived out in the middle of nowhere without good antenna signal either) and all DS watched was on DVD... and then we moved into town and got cable, and yikes! We waffle back and forth... sometimes it's too much and we go back to DVDs, and sometimes it's worth it for what's on TV and we sign up again. :)

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My husband lived in Egypt for 3 years and when he came back to the US he said the weirdest thing was having to choose a type of toothpaste! You could stay in the store all day, just trying to decide on soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and lotion! :lol: Too many choices, but I'm glad you have nice produce today!


Heck, I felt that way when we moved back from Europe!

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When we got back from Africa, it took me a year to be able to go into a superstore comfortably. Especially WalMart. I hated that place. I would ask the lady at the front where to go to find _____ and then put my head down, walk over there, choose my thing and check out. I also hated all the choices on the shelves. It took too long to choose. LOL


Dh, on the other hand, loved automatic doors. For the first three months back, he'd walked through with a big grin on his face and said, "I feel like a king with all these doors opening for me!"





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