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Boscopup, if you don't mind me asking


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what grade will your oldest Ds be next year? What will you be using with him or have you decided yet?


He'll be 3rd grade next year. My current plans are:


Math: Singapore (HIG, TB, WB, IP, CWP), LoF (we just started Fractions) with some MM thrown in

LA: MCT Island, KISS Grammar, WWE, and we might dabble in Killgallon if he's ready, and probably A&P Spelling (just started it, so can't say for sure yet)

History: US History (mama made, with Complete Book of US History as a spine)

Science: probably Apologia with the notebooking journals (we're doing Astronomy now, and have Zoo 1-3 also)

Latin: Getting Started With Latin (though if things get too busy, this will be the first to go)


Of course, all of this is subject to change on a whim before I get there! :lol:

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Thank you! I'm still really struggling with what to use next year. I do have a question about Biblioplan for you, I know that the companion is not needed for early elementary grades, but do you recommend it for a child headed into the logic stage? My ds will be 4th and i'm thinking of using BP since I have the family guide already.

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Thank you! I'm still really struggling with what to use next year. I do have a question about Biblioplan for you, I know that the companion is not needed for early elementary grades, but do you recommend it for a child headed into the logic stage? My ds will be 4th and i'm thinking of using BP since I have the family guide already.


I'm probably not the best person to ask, since I only used it with a first grader, and I dropped the Companion after the first few weeks. I imagine it would be useful for a logic stage child.

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I hate to butt in here, but I was wondering if you hit a snag w/ HTTS, boscopup. You're one of the ones that first brought it to my attention, so I was just wondering if a problem came up for your family. We're using it w/ 2 dc. I'm so enamored w/ it I wrote a long glowing review on my blog. :)

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Well since we are having a Q & A session with boscopup... :lol:


I was wondering how the Apologia notebook(ing?) is going? I have two of the Apologia books I found used (but I'm currently loaning them to someone with older children than myself) and I'm wondering how formal we will get with them. I think I'd like to start one next school year. I guess I should go look at the notebooks/extras that go with it...haven't looked in quite a while. I always figured, if nothing else, they will be great to have around for the kids to look at at their leisure.

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I hate to butt in here, but I was wondering if you hit a snag w/ HTTS, boscopup. You're one of the ones that first brought it to my attention, so I was just wondering if a problem came up for your family. We're using it w/ 2 dc. I'm so enamored w/ it I wrote a long glowing review on my blog. :)


Oh yeah, I've wanted to ask you how spelling is going as well. :D HTTS and R&S are the only spelling curr. I've seriously considered using...if I end up using something and not just wing it...like with vintage books, or my own thing, or I dunno...


ETA: I know I could ask/search these questions anywhere on here, but I do feel like I've followed your posts and kids enough to get a better feel for how something working for a certain one of your kids may translate over to mine...that doesn't make sense here...it does in my head...

Edited by Amie
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He'll be 3rd grade next year. My current plans are:



Latin: Getting Started With Latin (though if things get too busy, this will be the first to go)




My first reaction: Yay, Team Latin convinced her.


My second reaction: Aw, you're breaking my heart. First to go? That's a typo, right? :D


But do tell us about journey from AAS to HTTP to Webster (not sure if you used this with your older son) to AP. :001_smile:

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Since we're doing a love fest here, Amie, I love your Pinterest education board! I've stolen so many ideas from you and so have my friends!


Aw shucks, :blush: I stole it all from other places anyway! Glad you were able to find some useful ideas. Am I following you back on there? I'll have to go look for you now. I've enjoyed your posts on here. You have often caused me to pause and look at things from a different perspective...which is always a good thing.


ETA: I realized that might sound like I disagree with you a lot or something...? ; ) That's not what I meant, btw.

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ETA: I know I could ask/search these questions anywhere on here, but I do feel like I've followed your posts and kids enough to get a better feel for how something working for a certain one of your kids may translate over to mine...that doesn't make sense here...it does in my head...


That makes sense, since I follow her as well and she always gives detailed opinions.

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Aw shucks, :blush: I stole it all from other places anyway! Glad you were able to find some useful ideas. Am I following you back on there? I'll have to go look for you now. I've enjoyed your posts on here. You have often caused me to pause and look at things from a different perspective...which is always a good thing.


Thanks! I'm on there but with my real name. I'll PM you.

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Wow, this thread is embarrassing me. :lol:


I hate to butt in here, but I was wondering if you hit a snag w/ HTTS, boscopup. You're one of the ones that first brought it to my attention, so I was just wondering if a problem came up for your family. We're using it w/ 2 dc. I'm so enamored w/ it I wrote a long glowing review on my blog.


No snag. I just get bored easily and try other things. :tongue_smilie: Actually, I was looking at Dancing Bears for DS2, and I decided to give A&P a whirl for DS1 with intention of using it for DS2 (I think DS2 will likely need it - he isn't the type to have any clue what the "rules" mean).


Well since we are having a Q & A session with boscopup...


I was wondering how the Apologia notebook(ing?) is going? I have two of the Apologia books I found used (but I'm currently loaning them to someone with older children than myself) and I'm wondering how formal we will get with them. I think I'd like to start one next school year. I guess I should go look at the notebooks/extras that go with it...haven't looked in quite a while. I always figured, if nothing else, they will be great to have around for the kids to look at at their leisure.


We just started using the notebook a few weeks ago and have gotten about 1.5 lessons in (a lesson = a chapter, split into 4 days). So far, it's going very well. Both boys are really enjoying it. DS2 doesn't understand everything, but he's starting to pick up some things, and he gets to draw pictures in the notebook. He also gives me some things to write down on occasion, though DS1 gives me most of the text. I do the writing for right now, as DS1 is not ready to do all of that. It's not a ton of writing, but he's pencil phobic and just not ready to write much original stuff.


I do like the Apologia books in general. I tried using them with DS1 when he was in first grade, and he did reasonably well with them, but they were a tiny bit over his head. A year later, he's been reading them himself and loving them, so I decided to give them a try more formally. Now they're going great. I think him reading them himself helped a lot.


My first reaction: Yay, Team Latin convinced her.


My second reaction: Aw, you're breaking my heart. First to go? That's a typo, right?


But do tell us about journey from AAS to HTTP to Webster (not sure if you used this with your older son) to AP.


:lol: We're trying Latin, but I can't necessarily commit to it long term. :D


My spelling journey... You mean my spelling indecisiveness? :tongue_smilie:I'm like Goldilocks. We've done...


R&S 2 (too easy)

Sequential Spelling (no explanation of rules whatsoever, and he wanted to know "why")

AAS (very good, but a bit slow... I'm glad I did levels 1-3 though)

Wheeler's Elementary Speller (too much writing - otherwise, I really liked it)

R&S 3 (decent, but a bit boring... it's like pulling teeth to get him to do a section some days)

HTTS dictation (I like this, but then got my eye on A&P)

A&P level A (only done 1 lesson so far, so can't really give a good review yet - we like it so far, though we had to split the lesson into two parts because of the writing - I'm ok with doing that)


I haven't used Webster's with DS1. I've used it with DS2 for reading. The syllabary rocks. :thumbup1:


In general, be careful about following what I'm doing, because I'm pretty bad about switching curricula due to boredom. Seriously. :lol: The one thing I've used that I don't plan to change is WWE. Such a perfect fit for DS (though I still look at other writing curricula with longing eyes sometimes... and then I come back to my senses, because WWE is exactly what DS needs, and WWS looks like it will be great for him too).


You know when you're searching through old threads on a topic and you see someone post about it that you know isn't using it anymore? I am always thinking, "Wow, she uses xyz now... How many of these threads are there with me doing the same thing?!?" :D


Now off to go look at Amie's Pinterest page...

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AAS (very good, but a bit slow... I'm glad I did levels 1-3 though)



If you think AAS is slow, you should see Barton. Seriously, AAS is zipping compared to a lot of the O-G programs. And lest anyone think otherwise, I am very grateful for the variety of paced programs. You have no concept of how fast something moves until you have a learner that needs the material taken much, much slower.

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Wow, this thread is embarrassing me. :lol:








You know you're cool around here when you get your own thread! :D


Thanks for all of the info; I appreciate you taking the time. And I don't take your curriculum switches too seriously...I think I kind of "get it". I'm grasping more and more the idea of teaching the student whatever he needs to learn myself with whatever tools and tricks I have up my sleeve, and not relying solely on one perfect curriculum to do it for me. I think I relate to what you like...and some of the "tools" in your "toolbox" you must have been drawn to, etc. That is what gets so hard for me about making a list in my siggy. If I listed all of my "tools" people might think it is overkill...and the thing is, we are still SO incorporated-into-everyday-life relaxed...my ds may not even see some of the curriculum/resources...it may be something I reference for my own sake. There I go not making much sense again (everything seems so clear in my head ;)).

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