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Recent Middle East History


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I would like to spend a week or so introducing DD to recent history in the Middle East (Gulf War, Saddam Hussein, Afghanistan, Iran).


Does anyone have a good resource for this info for a 7th grade level? I really would like to find something already geared to middle schoolers, rather than have to take a ton of info and reorganize it myself. Or is that just a dream?


Thanks for any help!

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http://listbuilder.scholastic.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/TitlesDisplayView?storeId=10001&returnID=&returnURL=SearchView%3FlangId%3D-1%26storeId%3D10001%26cq%3D0%26reviewsAttr%3DY&productId=54315 The third series of Cornerstones of Freedom has a few titles that match what you are looking for.


ETA: Did I just successfully post a link from my phone?! Wahoo!

Edited by Maus
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http://listbuilder.scholastic.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/TitlesDisplayView?storeId=10001&returnID=&returnURL=SearchView%3FlangId%3D-1%26storeId%3D10001%26cq%3D0%26reviewsAttr%3DY&productId=54315 The third series of Cornerstones of Freedom has a few titles that match what you are looking for.


ETA: Did I just successfully post a link from my phone?! Wahoo!



Thank you! And, yes you did!! Congrats!

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Nice! Have you read any? Did you like them?

I haven't seen the 3rd series in person, yet. I have a few each from the original and 2nd series and I'm about to start using them with my oldest*. I'm impressed with them, but I don't know how he's going to like them yet.


*That's how I came across the list of the 3rd series: I was online trying to line up what I have, and what our local library has, chronologically.

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