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For those using MiF


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I have used MIF 1B and we are halfway through 2A right now.


I usually split the lesson into two parts. On the first day I will introduce the topic using manipulatives and we will work through the guided practice problems in the textbook together.


On the second day, I let my dd do the "Let's Practice" section in the book by herself to make sure she understands what we did on the first day. Then she will do the worksheets that go with that section on her own.


Usually these lessons only take 15-20 minutes.


If we are covering a topic that I know dd already understands really well, like time, money, geometry, etc. I don't split the lesson into two days, we just do it all in one and then she does the worksheets on her own.


I didn't buy the TM's because I don't have that kind of money :D, but the student textbook is laid out very well and I've had no problems teaching her straight from the book. I'm not sure how much hand-holding is in the TM, but there are a few others on here that do/did use the TM's when using MIF. I remember one of them saying that the TM actually contains the schedule of how to breakdown the lessons in it and, of course, the answers.



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I don't have much to add but I'll bump you at least. I used 1B and 2 A and a large part of B.


With one child I did what the previous poster did. I didn't track time but it was probably similar to her time. They weren't long lessons that way. My other child wanted to go quicker so we did. It was easy to accelerate for him.


I did not purchase the TM and didn't feel I needed it. The text and workbooks were plenty for me. It's not scripted like, say, RightStart but I don't think the TM is scripted to that extent either. Based on looking at it (via the website) it looked like, at the early grades, the main addition the TM would provide would be a schedule.

Edited by sbgrace
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