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Adventures of Tom Sawyer...which version?


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We read this outloud a couple of summers ago. My girls really enjoyed the antics of Tom and Huck esp. the suspenseful parts towards the end. The Whole Story edition includes illustrations and helpful definitions/explanations of things that were common when the book was written. And my favorite thing about this was that the explanations are in the margins of the page so you aren't flipping back and forth. I found it really made the book much easier to understand and enjoy. Hope this helps, Cindy H. in NC

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My 7th grade ds read the original last year and *loved* it.


My 4th grade ds read the one by Modern Publishing and loved it, too. I didn't compare versions, just went with what we had here. It didn't stick completely to the original, but did retain Twain's flair for boyish fun.




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