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TT Pre Alg? WWYD?


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Were almost done with TT 6, I know I read some where that some parents skip straight from 5 to 7 due to the amount of overlap between 6 & 7. Just out of curiosity I had her take the placement test for 7. She missed 1 out of 30 problems. Gave her the placement test for TT Pre-Alg, she didn't do so hot. Were should I place her? TT said put her straight into Pre-Alg since it will cover a review of what she missed on the placement test. She is a very quick learner for math and not a struggling student in that aspect. We already have 7 and trying to figure out how to get Pre-Alg since were broke.


That said, TT has been an awesome program for us and I don't want to switch. (thinking some parents switch to Chalkdust at this point if I remember right)

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My DS12 did TT7 last year and is doing TT Pre-Alg this year. He is mathematically inclined and that sequence was a good fit.


As I understand it, the placement tests are there to indicate if the child is ready to go into that particular level. The tests are not indicative of what is taught at that level, but rather what should already be known. So if your DD did well on the placement test for TT7, she is ready for TT7. Since she did not do well on Pre-Alg, she is not ready, since the material on the Pre-Alg test is what was covered up through TT7.


That said, I would use the TT7 that you have.

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