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Do you have to use the KONOS timeline with KONOS? Or will any timeline work?


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Next year we are going to use Konos as a two day add on to our regular curriculum. I was reading about someone who did this successfully and it appeals to me. Can anyone tell me if I have to use the KONOS timeline or if another timeline would work? Their timeline is expensive and in my opinion ugly. The wall one is HUGE. Thanks for your insight!

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If you're doing KONOS, you need the KONOS timeline and not a different one, IMHO. Every person you study will have a timeline figure, and the figures are different depending on whether they were inventors, explorers, and so on.


Do you think I could I use the Konos timeline figures on a blank timeline rather then theirs? $20 for pieces of paper seems high is all. I can get a blank one for under $10 from another place. I have no idea where I would fit the huge wall one and $49 + shipping seems awfully expensive. Thanks for your advice!

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It would probably be less work to use the Konos one, but I don't see why you couldn't use something else. The guide tells you which figures go on the timeline. You could Homeschool In The Woods figures or draw your own. Then you could color code them yourself as to whether they are explorers, inventors, etc.

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