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I've had it twice. Once, I was driving. I turned my head to look back at blind spot before switching lanes: I a was on a 4 lane highway traveling at 70 mph. I turned my head back around and the whole world just kept on spinning by. Luckily, there was a tractor trailer pull off right then. I pulled over. The world kept spinning. Then you get real nauseous. This had to be about 9 years ago. I must of had a cell phone because my husband raced there and took me to nearest hospital. They said inner ear infection. I got it again about 5 years ago. I was home and all of a sudden everything just starts spinning. You can't stand up. I think I threw up 17 times before my husband got me to the hospital. Again, they said inner ear infection. The first time the put me on Valium or something. I was completely out of it. The second time they gave some sort of medicine through the arm that got rid of the nauseousness and a pill for the vertigo. I don't remember what medicines specifically.

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