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summarizing-is there a student workbook to help with this skill?


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My ds is in 4th grade. We did use WWE in the lower grades. He still needs help with summarizing, only I'm not sure exactly how to help him. He definitely has trouble picking main and important ideas from text. I have him summarize a chapter from a fiction book each day orally but he tends towards the same things; run on sentences, including too many details, and beginning sentences with and or because. I go over these things with him daily but it just isn't sticking. Is there a student workbook that specifically helps students gain the needed skills for summarizing? We are currently working through a book on outlining, which I would think might help in the long run with being able to pick out main ideas. I'd really like a book centered on summarizing though.

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The outlining books suggested in WTM helped my older kids. One of the series is out of print, I think, but there are these:




I have also been looking at this for my youngest:



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