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Good, simple reader books for boys


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I'm sure this has been asked 1000 times. I don't have good luck with the search function. We sort of discovered yesterday, after lots of questioning, that my DS doesn't like to read because "its too hard". He's 10. I don't want to squash any budding interest by killing it with something that may be a bit over his head. What "fun" boy readers can I get for him to rekindle his interest in reading?


When left to his own devices, he tends to pick the "comic book" style books, or like diary of a wimpy kid (which I hated that movie lol) and I would prefer actual books to that.

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yeah sounds like my ds9...he went from LOVING to read to now hating it if it's more than a few pages....I know TWTM wants kids to read the classic books but IMHO if those other books will get a non reader to read more let them read it--we started out with the level books (step into reading levels 1-3) and kiddo loved them-they were short enough for him to finish and had characters he liked...

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I'm sure this has been asked 1000 times. I don't have good luck with the search function. We sort of discovered yesterday, after lots of questioning, that my DS doesn't like to read because "its too hard". He's 10. I don't want to squash any budding interest by killing it with something that may be a bit over his head. What "fun" boy readers can I get for him to rekindle his interest in reading?


When left to his own devices, he tends to pick the "comic book" style books, or like diary of a wimpy kid (which I hated that movie lol) and I would prefer actual books to that.


My 10yo also chooses comics and Captain Underpants if left to himself. (I have told him that the Wimpy Kid series is not allowed until he is older, to prevent copying bad behavior, because he is prone to that.) His complaint about books is usually that the chapters are too long, rather than that the book is too hard.


That said, books that he has been willing to read:



  • My Father's Dragon series (short chapters, fun adventure story)

  • Pinocchio (very short chapters)

  • longer Dr. Seuss books (Horton, etc)

  • other long picture books--many of these are actually well written, and worth reading even for 4th/5th graders, even though they are finished in one sitting

  • once he got into it, Mr. Popper's Penguins (he complained for the first few chapters that it was very boring, but he then began to like it)

  • Charlotte's Web

  • Dr. Dolittle (this has many sequels, if it works out)

  • Ben and Me (though he often read only half a chapter at a time)


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