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Dr. Hive, what does an ulcer feel like?

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I'm beginning to wonder if I have an ulcer. My mom had peptic ulcers (I was adopted, so no genetic pre-disposition, if there even is such a thing), but she had horrible pain from it. I wouldn't call what I'm experiencing pain. It's more of a dull, gnawing annoyance about an inch below my sternum. I feel fine otherwise. I've had heartburn once in my life. At least I *think* it was heartburn. Overall, I'm pretty healthy at 42. Good weight and on no medications.


I have a fair amount of stress in my life, related to my unwell, elderly parents and I'm just wondering if it's finally taking a physical toll :tongue_smilie:.

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I have a fair amount of stress in my life, related to my unwell, elderly parents and I'm just wondering if it's finally taking a physical toll :tongue_smilie:.



Except for severe burn or konk on the head, "stress" does not cause ulcers. H. Pylori does.

Much more common is reflux you don't feel. If mylanta makes you feel better fairly quickly, but it comes back, try a 6 week stint of Pepcid or prilosec. If that doesn't make you feel better early on, I'd see the doc.


Oh, and it can be gall bladder, too. That durned gb turns up everywhere but the left lower abdomen. Hiatal hernia can be felt there, too.

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the pain definitely got worse with time.


I am one of the 2% (in this respect, alas, not the financial sense) in that I do not carry the HP bacteria. In my case, it's apparently connected to using OTC drugs like Advil, Aleve, Etc. I can't take them, except in very limited quantities.


Tagamet works fine for me sometimes. At my worst, I needed a stronger anti-acid and a proton pump inhibitor.

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the pain definitely got worse with time.


I am one of the 2% (in this respect, alas, not the financial sense) in that I do not carry the HP bacteria. In my case, it's apparently connected to using OTC drugs like Advil, Aleve, Etc. I can't take them, except in very limited quantities.




I haven't had mine tested for H. Pylori, but believe mine was caused by overuse of ibuprofen for horrible cramps, and I can't use OTC pain meds anymore w/o causing pain (at least I don't even try anymore). It started as a pain that almost felt like hunger, but continued to get worse over time. For several years, I used Zantac for it, and then started looking into natural options. And for quite a few years, DGL worked. Recently, it started acting up again, and I've been using l-glutamine and a product called Ulcetrol with very good results.

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Except for severe burn or konk on the head, "stress" does not cause ulcers. H. Pylori does.

Much more common is reflux you don't feel. If mylanta makes you feel better fairly quickly, but it comes back, try a 6 week stint of Pepcid or prilosec. If that doesn't make you feel better early on, I'd see the doc.


Oh, and it can be gall bladder, too. That durned gb turns up everywhere but the left lower abdomen. Hiatal hernia can be felt there, too.


:iagree: HP is a nasty little thing to have and takes months to get over. It does feel a lot like what the op described though. I would have that test done ASAP.

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Thanks for your responses. It has sometimes felt like hunger pain and liquid antacid worked in less than 2-3 minutes. It's sounding like an ulcer to me. I will try some Pepcid.


Also, if it's HP it will hurt sometimes before you eat and sometimes after. For me, there was no rhyme or reason to it. Prilosec helped, only after the antibiotics I had to take. Now that was the most miserable two weeks.

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