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AAS question


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I just got our AAS Deluxe program and AAS 1 stuff along with it today. I am very impressed and my 5yr old is ready to go. She loved helping me put the magnets on the letter tiles.


Anyways, with the box that comes with it to put the cards in. If you use this program with other children do you buy one for each of them to store their cards in? Or do you just add them to the same box? Hope its not a silly question. Still learning about the program at the moment. But was just wondering if I had to get one for each child or if the whole program can fit in one box.

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If you use the program for additional kids, then you are supposed to have a different box with different cards for each child. According to the program, each child will have their own box with their own cards with their own mastered vs to review items. Each level has the cards from the levels before (whatever hasn't been fully mastered and no longer really needs review, which should be most of them) and its own cards added on.


From personal experience with kids in 2 different levels (level 1 & level 3, currently) I have the following random commentary (sorry, feeling under the weather so my thoughts are fairly disjointed!):


- I didn't bother with buying additional card sets. By the time I started level 1 with the younger, the older really only needed minor reminding of the cards related to level 1 & we basically only used level 3 cards for review work.


- The only thing I use those green word cards for is to give them to the kids to make random "fun" sentences with. It is really the green cards that fill the box up! Without them, several levels would fit in a box (but you wouldn't likely have them in there, as by level 2 they have mastered fully most of level 1 and those cards can be moved out).


- Ds8 in level 3 didn't get a box - somehow the cards went into a plastic ziplock baggie & never came out! :D Actually, I almost like it better that way - I just keep the top review cards of all colors all together & can grab them out super-easy. With ds5, I have to pull them from each section and file them away again.


- Next year I may be working with 2 kids in level 2 and 1 just general "holding pattern" review (don't ask, weird things going down!). Anyhow, having used AAS through levels 1,2, and 3 now, I feel comfortable saying that it is EXTREMELY unlikely that I will have a separate box of cards for each child, even while in the same level. It is much more likely that I will have 1 baggie or box and just go through the cards with everyone in bulk. Honestly, after you have done it awhile - you really just KNOW where your kids need help, and you hardly even need the cards for it. There are some key cards that ds8 almost always nails (in review) but I know he needs help with anyway (in usage) that always stay in review. I am confident that I will be able to ask the appropriate child the necessary questions that they need for their personal review.


- We hardly ever use the magnetic tiles anymore (haven't for AGES with ds8, haven't for awhile with ds5). In fact, we moved our schoolroom recently and I ended up leaving the big whiteboard with tiles in the other room on the wall - I haven't figured out what I want to do with it yet, so there it stays. I've used the small whiteboards to write stuff & haven't missed the tiles at all. I'll bring it over at some point, because I know there are things we will be working on in future lessons with ds5 that I will want tiles for (mainly syllable splitting and labeling, which is just a pain to do without the tiles), but in general I just don't use them that much.


- I love AAS! :) :)

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The box is for the cards that just that student is using--it's set up so that you can customize the review for each child. So, each child really needs his or her own box, whether you use the AALP ones or one that you buy locally. (I've used both & like the AALP ones because they fit the cards so exactly, but this blog has pictures of what we used previously, as well as how we organize our materials.)


If your kids are far enough apart and the oldest doesn't struggle, you may be able to reuse the cards when they are 2-3 levels apart.


If your oldest struggles with spelling or has any kind of learning disability though, you'll definitely want separate boxes, as you'll be reviewing the sound, phonogram, and key cards from all the levels whenever a mastered review is scheduled. My kids also occasionally have a word that stays in their daily review for awhile.



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