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Well, both dd starting vt next week!

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So my younger dd (6 y/o) has the bilateral intermitent amotropia? (both eyes drift laterally at times). She tries really hard to get everything into focus I was told. She has convergence insufficiency and I think something else, I forgot.

My older dd (who right now is reading ahead of level) doesn't use her visual system much at all. She really bombed some test called the vspat? When she sits and watches Little House, she totally turns her head left to look only with the right. So she tries to use only one eye to keep everything clear.

They both have issues with saccids? something where they jump to other lines.

The reason my older dd was flying under the radar was that she blew the audiology and kinesthology part of the tests out of the water, so she has learned to compensate some. My younger dd doesn't have the strongest auditory system (third set of tubes), so she tries really hard (too hard) to use every system, but relies heavily on kinesthetic.

Recommendation was VT for 9 months x 2 kids = a whole lot of money ($139/week for one child)

Well, we are going to do it, I am just going to have to pick up some more weekends - it'll be worth it.

Thoughts? Advice?

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Sounds like you've got your work cut out for you! I assume you've figured this out, but at some point before he starts school work you should go ahead and get your 3 yo tested as well. Doesn't need to be now, and he might not even need therapy. It's just something to watch, now that you know you've got that running in the family. I had my 3 yo checked. They just screen at a regular vision exam, didn't need to be the long developmental exam. At *this* point he is compensating and doesn't need therapy. They're just watching it.


VT really wears out some kids. I think you've already posted about this, but I'm just saying again to make sure you feel free to be kind to yourself and your dc during this, cutting back regular work or changing modalities to keep it sane.

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