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My ds has eight(!) cavities!

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Just got back from the pediatric dentist - the two oldest and the youngest all look great, no cavities, but dear, sweet ds #3 has eight! This is my son who is a professional Fruit Loop eater, candy connesoir (sorry, can't spell that one!), and top-notch food critic. He is the pickiest eater you've ever seen, and I can't say I'm suprised that he has so many cavities. The kicker, though, is that because he's also the king of the freak-out (just in the last 6 months would sit still to get his hair cut without screaming the *entire* time), we're looking at IV sedation. Otherwise, it would take two office visits - because there are so many - each visit requiring 4 shots to the gums. Because our dentist is a good friend, he reduced his part of it by 50% (bless him!), but the grand total will be very close to $1000! $492 for the dentist part, and $400 for the anesthesiologist. I'm feeling so grateful right now for Dave Ramsey (we have a $1000 emergency fund).


So the next time your child pesters you non-stop for hours on end about getting a treat or having some candy, you can tell them about the little boy who had so much sugar that he had 8 cavities at once and cost his parents nearly $1000 to get them fixed.


Taking full responsibility here, our son's diet will obviously be changing dramatically over the next few days!

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