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Sorry, yet more logic book questions

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Critical Thinking Books 1 and 2, and The Discovery of Deduction


I am fairly certain that the Critical Thinking books are secular. What about The Discovery of Deduction? Are either/both informal or formal logic?


I have a dd13 and ds15, both taking high school courses, and we have never covered logic other than Mind Benders many moons ago.


I've spent the last couple of hours reading archived threads about logic and I'm more confused than when I first started reading. I cannot use anything remotely Christian or we would spend more time discussing Christian materials than the content of the books. I don't like the look of The Art of Argument because someone posted all the hot issues and I don't think I'm up for discussing some of those with dd13 just yet.


We aren't following a classical education format but I would like to introduce some logic into their high school years.

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Discovery of Deduction is formal logic. I'm always hesitant when others ask about that fine line in secular/christian materials, as I might gloss over something that wouldn't hit my radar, but offend someone else. Dod is not christian based. I also find it less neutral than AoA, it brings up fewer controversial issues. However, there are a few lessons on politics, another quick lesson on a contradictory statement about God (from a Douglas Adams book). The book itself doesn't argue one way or the other. I don't know if that answers your question, hopefully someone else can chime in on this.


Ds enjoyed his study of it this year.

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