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CLE Math 6 to Pre-Algebra?

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Can it be done?


Dd11 will finish CLE Math 6 this school year. She has done very, very well with CLE. I went with CLE because I wanted her to have a solid foundation before moving into higher-level math. I feel confident that she will have that solid foundation when she finishes CLE 6. I know that CLE 7 is a Pre-Algebra course, but dd is asking for something different, and I am ok with indulging her.


So, can we switch to Pre-Algebra after this? Dh and I had originally decided upon Videotext for Algebra. Dh sat in on a session by the Videotext guy and loved it. Since he is the math person in the house, I tend to defer to him with math decisions. Now I am wondering if this is a realistic plan. Dd has exposure to algebraic concepts. She always kills those problems in CLE. I think she is ready for the next step. She will likely go to college (about 95% sure) but will probably not major in a STEM field. Still, I want her to have as much math exposure as possible. She is a good math student, but it isn't her favorite.


What is the verdict? Is this possible? Do we need to work on something over the summer to get her up to speed? Do you have any recommendations?


Thanks everyone for your help!

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Can it be done?


Dd11 will finish CLE Math 6 this school year. She has done very, very well with CLE. I went with CLE because I wanted her to have a solid foundation before moving into higher-level math. I feel confident that she will have that solid foundation when she finishes CLE 6. I know that CLE 7 is a Pre-Algebra course, but dd is asking for something different, and I am ok with indulging her.


So, can we switch to Pre-Algebra after this? Dh and I had originally decided upon Videotext for Algebra.


It really depends on the scope and sequence of where you are coming from and what you are going to. One thing interesting with VT is that it includes Pre-A, Algebra 1 & 2 into one course. So technically you would be starting with Pre-A which would probably be ok. The larger Q is will your dd11 respond as favorably to this teaching approach as your dh? For some folks it seems to really work out for while others end up not liking it and switching to something else. I would order the CD sampler and try it with her first. Maybe let her try out a few options for Pre-A to see which she prefers. VT is a bit pricey if it isn't a good fit.

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It really depends on the scope and sequence of where you are coming from and what you are going to. One thing interesting with VT is that it includes Pre-A, Algebra 1 & 2 into one course. So technically you would be starting with Pre-A which would probably be ok. The larger Q is will your dd11 respond as favorably to this teaching approach as your dh? For some folks it seems to really work out for while others end up not liking it and switching to something else. I would order the CD sampler and try it with her first. Maybe let her try out a few options for Pre-A to see which she prefers. VT is a bit pricey if it isn't a good fit.


It is pricey! We do take into account the fact that it essentially includes 3 years of math.


Dd sat in with dh at the VT session. She came away with a favorable impression. Of course, she was only 9 at the time:tongue_smilie:, but she thought it was "cool". She would like a computer-based curriculum, specifically Teaching Textbooks, but I am not too impressed with the TT reviews.


Personally, I like the idea of VT. I know Algebra, but I have a very hard time explaining it. It makes sense in my brain. I just have a hard time teaching it. I'm completely open to all suggestions.

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It is pricey! We do take into account the fact that it essentially includes 3 years of math.


Dd sat in with dh at the VT session. She came away with a favorable impression. Of course, she was only 9 at the time:tongue_smilie:, but she thought it was "cool". She would like a computer-based curriculum, specifically Teaching Textbooks, but I am not too impressed with the TT reviews.


Personally, I like the idea of VT. I know Algebra, but I have a very hard time explaining it. It makes sense in my brain. I just have a hard time teaching it. I'm completely open to all suggestions.


Just to see both sides I recommend reading this post as well: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=216536&highlight=videotext


Sometimes the parents like the idea of VT more than the dc. Then they end up selling it on the boards here after it not working out. Its tempting to buy the whole set with the idea of going through all of it. But then if it doesn't work out that is more of a loss of funds.



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You could move onto:


Teaching Textbooks algebra 1

Saxon algebra 1/2 (I recommend Art Reed dvds)

CLE math 7

MUS algebra 1

BJU math 7 or 8

Thinkwell math 7/8 or pre-alg. (close to what ps do).


CLE math 6 has set your dd to succeed with all of the above, imho.

Edited by MIch elle
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I was wondering the same thing myself. I am so glad you asked. My son is finishing CLE 5 and I was trying to decide of he should move on or not. He consistently places into Saxon 1/2 when he takes the placement test. Sounds like waiting one more level is a good idea.

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Here is an old thread about a student finishing CLE 600 that you might find interesting:




Yes, I've heard that you can switch to pre-algebra after CLE 600. My dd will finish CLE 600 in about 3 weeks. I'm still pondering whether to move into CLE 700 or switch to Lial's BCM or Pre-Algebra.

Edited by Marla
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  • 3 weeks later...
Here is an old thread about a student finishing CLE 600 that you might find interesting:




Yes, I've heard that you can switch to pre-algebra after CLE 600. My dd will finish CLE 600 in about 3 weeks. I'm still pondering whether to move into CLE 700 or switch to Lial's BCM or Pre-Algebra.


I am considering CLE for our middle daughter because of its spiral approach. However I concerned about following it too far as beyond 600 it seems to go into consumer math and drags things out (700, 800) until getting to Algebra (900) in the 9th grade. It seems like 600 or 700 may be a good jumping off point to another secondary math program. If 700 is enough review and Pre-A then it may be worth doing before switching to Algebra 1. Or maybe just skip 800 and go to CLE's new Algebra 1 (900).

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I am considering CLE for our middle daughter because of its spiral approach. However I concerned about following it too far as beyond 600 it seems to go into consumer math and drags things out (700, 800) until getting to Algebra (900) in the 9th grade. It seems like 600 or 700 may be a good jumping off point to another secondary math program. If 700 is enough review and Pre-A then it may be worth doing before switching to Algebra 1. Or maybe just skip 800 and go to CLE's new Algebra 1 (900).


I did CLE math 7 with my younger ds and consider it pre-algebra. I still own CLE math 8 (unused) and while it does have some consumer math in it, I would not consider it a consumer math program. Look at the CLE S&S to see what's included in math 7 & 8.


Use CLE math as it fits YOUR dc. With CLE math 7, we skipped at least 2-3 lessons/lightunit because it was too much review for my ds.

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  • 7 months later...

My oldest just started VT after using CLE for the last 3 years. He completed up to lightunit 707 and moved into Videotext without any problem. I felt like the 700's of CLE brought some greater depth into several areas (percent, fractions, & geometry come to mind). I appreciated the amount of "consumer math" that was included in the 600's and 700's CLE (sales tax, discounts, etc.) I thought it was an appropriate amount.


I am glad that we didn't continue with CLE 800's just to switch into VT later since I think he had already achieved a solid foundation for algebra. We are finding the beginning of VT to be a very nice review of concepts already taught by CLE and the transition has been smooth. Take into account that we are still only on Unit 1 of Videotext.


Would he have been able to jump from CLE 6 to VT? Honestly I think it could be done but I'd definitely be involved daily. Watch the videos together, have your student then take the course notes and narrate the lesson back to you before they start on the problems. Work a few problems then check the answer key to see that they are on track before doing all the problems. (this is all mentioned in the introductory video anyway)

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I looked at TT pre-alg and alg as possibilities for dd after CLE6. I don't think I would have been comfortable jumping from 6 into TT alg, but dd isn't very strong in math. Maybe try the placement test? I think TT is generally thought to be a bit "behind" traditional math programs so maybe it could work. I just wanted dd to have a really strong pre-alg yr before going into algebra of any kind.


Sorry I'm not more help!

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Since this was bumped up, I feel as though I should update.


I decided to slow down CLE 6 to make sure dd has her basic arithmetic down. I have heard from various sources that he majority of Algebra errors occur due to basic arithmetic errors. My sister, a full-ride scholarship-to-Tulane-earning gal who graduated from her high school's Gifted and Talented program, advised me to make sure dd12 had basic arithmetic OWNED before dd12 moved up. My very smart sister is struggling with college Calculus, mostly because of her lack of basic arithmetic skills. Now, I love all the consumer math in CLE. So many people struggle with basic, real-life math. I am 95% sure we will move her up to Videotext within the next month. She has seen the samples online and is more than agreeable. She is currently thriving in an online Henle Latin class through Memoria press and raves about the format. While Videotext isn't interactive, I think this kid likes being taught my someone other than Mom (bless her hormonal 12yo heart). I am seriously considering adding in certain CLE 7 lessons just for the real-life, boring-but-needs-to-be-know math, like sales tax, interest, time calculations, etc.. I'm not a math gal, but I operated a Nuclear Power Plant in the Navy, which required a substantial amount of math. I am impressed with CLE's presentation of Algebra in bite-sized chunks. This kid is ready for pre-Algebra. I may have a basic pre-Algebra text on had for reference if she needs extra help, but I have peace about my Videotext choice. I reserve the option to be totally wrond, though:tongue_smilie:.

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I'm noticing that the last 3 light units of CLE 6 are very much consumer math focused. Has your experience with CLE 7 been similar to those last units? I'd like to have a better mix. CLE 6 has been a huge blessing here, however. We moved from Singapore 6 to CLE 6 for a gap filler year (well, semester ;)) and it has been an enormous confidence-boosting time. I'd love to stick with CLE for another year for pre-algebra but I've heard all of the warnings to use the Pre-Algebra base with the High School books you plan on using (ie. switching over to TT or MUS at the Pre-Alg level).


I had a chance to review TT Pre-Algebra and nothing was new until Lesson 99 after doing CLE 600's -- and that was dividing exponents. After that, it went back to geometry which we've done a fair amount of. I don't want to move into TT Algebra yet because I'd like to have more review of the basics so I think we'll move forward with CLE 700's and then reconsider which Algebra program to use next year.


Thank you for all your thoughts.

Edited by Dassah
After reviewing TT Pre-Algebra
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