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Teachers Lodge 1-25-2012

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Here we are! Opening late today due to many things but we're open now!


I'm ready to pass the keys. Who's willing to take them?


What's for lunch today? We had Charley's grilled subs for lunch (after dd's orthopaedic appt). Doc says one more week of no weight bearing then next Wednesday she gets to put weight on the leg! The week after that we can gradually start letting her walk without the boot! she's really happy about that! :D


Where are you going today? I'm leaving in a bit to meet with someone about business. They'd better show up! I've called her twice today to give directions but have not heard back. :glare:


What has you concerned today? I woke up congested this morning, still am, and I'm supposed to go on a scrapbooking retreat this weeken! All you praying types, please pray that I can nip this in the bud! For those of you that aren't praying types (you know who you are :D ), you can still pray for me. Did you know that? God hears the prayers for His children, regardless of who prays for them! Isn't that Awesome! :D


Talk to me!

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Hi ya Scrap!


I'll post here too.


Lunch - a cobb salad and a side of Lean Cuisine thai chicken rolls.


Hooray for your dd's orthopedic news!


Going today - We went to speech therapy and the library. I had initially forgotten about those because we hadn't been able to because of snow. It was so nice to get back into the groove:001_smile:


Concerned about - I'll pray for you. I have to work on the budget today to see if there is enough money to send Libby to swim therapy - it really is the only thing that would give her a chance of becoming a non-disabled dog again. But the price!:svengo:

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