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Quick-we're going on a budget!! Help me

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Quick, dh says we HAVE to go on a budget-we're going to start the Dave Ramsey program we bought 6 months ago. What curriculum can I buy before we start!!! Seriously, I'm trying to rack my brain & not go crazy. My dd is all set, I think. I've got MFW 1 starting any day now, with Sonlight k coming (not sure if we're going to keep). My Sonlight k is coming with the readers 1, and I don't know if it will be good or not, that's the problem. She has been doing clicknkid online & is on lesson 43, but we haven't practiced a lot of reading. I have the whole HOP set, but she wasn't thrilled in the beginning. I was going to just add explode the code, but her writings not so great. THEN, my ds is going to be doing some MFW with dd but I need to go over phonics with him.


Sorry this is so long, I just feel like I'm about to be cut off:lol: Don't know if anyone can help me-probably not. I don't even know what I'm saying. I'm just rambling, can't seem to stop, help, stop typing!!!!!!

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Very gently and respectfully.......


Trying to buy stuff before you start a DR inspired budget is like maxing out credit cards before you declare bankruptcy. It doesn't get to the root of the problem and in fact perpetuates how you got to over spending and disorganized money management.


For the make up of your homeschool, it sounds like you have *more* than enough and can supplement as needed with very inexpensive materials from used bookstores, printables, etc.


Please, try to break away from *spending* as a start of the life change you are making. Your school and family will thrive!

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I needed to hear that. It's so weird, I feel like an addict or something. I know shopping can/is addictive but I never thought I would get that way with curriculum. And yes, it is counterproductive to rack up the charges before starting. I KNOW this in my mind, my thinking reasoning mind.


Deep breath. Okay.



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