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Diana Waring's theology

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I have received some "well, I don't agree with her theology, but....." on another forum. I have asked those who commented to elaborate, but no one has.


What is her theology? Is she really blatant about it in her curriculum?


What would cause anyone to be concerned?


I need to know BEFORE I order.


Thank you,



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I don't even know what to ask as I have no idea what the concerns may be.


If she is Christian, I can't see that I would have a huge issue unless she doesn't believe in the resurrection or virgin birth or something.


I am not Reformed but I am ok with using Reformed curriculum if it is quality.



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No she believes in all of those. I really can't imagine what the problem would be to a Christian. We are Baptist and not reformed so that was my main concern but her husband explained that it was not written specifically from a reformed POV but of course it does teach of the reformation period and those involved.

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Well, certainly it should be if that is the Historical period. I don't have problems with any religious view taught within context, even if it isn't from a Christian viewpoint. I think it is valuable.


I don't even have problems with other Christian ideologies being taught as long as they aren't taught from a "and if you don't believe this, you aren't really a Christian" point of view which I can't see would be her bent at all unless I am missing something.



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Well, certainly it should be if that is the Historical period. I don't have problems with any religious view taught within context, even if it isn't from a Christian viewpoint. I think it is valuable.


I don't even have problems with other Christian ideologies being taught as long as they aren't taught from a "and if you don't believe this, you aren't really a Christian" point of view which I can't see would be her bent at all unless I am missing something.




I pretty much feel the same way you do. Though we are Christian, I still enjoy learning about other cultures. We have Diana Waring's audio CD's and enjoyed them tremendously! DD and I used to listen to them during lunch. Diana's enthusiasm about history is contagious. You can't help but feel excited about the topics she discusses. I've had the CD's for 3+ years and they are keepers.

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We went to hear her talk when she visited Aust and were impressed. Several of us bought different products from her. None of us use them. We are Christians of different denominations but all found the products, unlike the talks she gave have a VERY strong point of view.

What the bible says about each and every Old Testament item is FACT and gets backed up with lots of really shaky and out-there science and questionable findings. And constantly hammered. I'd prefer somethings left as faith items than be backed up with flawed 'science'.

That was our opinion anyway. And we use a combination of various Christian and secular materials.

Could be just an odd cluster of 4 Aussies. (Wouldn't be the first or last) ;)

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Interesting, but this doesn't really give me a clue unless I know some examples.


However, I will add that I don't mind some things I don't agree with being taught. I will listen and then tell my children what we believe and why.


There ARE some curriculum choices I won't use because they are Christian but teach that if you aren't their brand of Christian you aren't really Christian. I find that far more objectionable.


BUT, I don't want out there science or faulty science over and over again......but even if I called her husband, what would I ask? Would I say, "I hear your wife has some way out there science she is teaching, is this true?" :lol:


This is why I am coming here for advice and questions.




We went to hear her talk when she visited Aust and were impressed. Several of us bought different products from her. None of us use them. We are Christians of different denominations but all found the products' date=' unlike the talks she gave have a VERY strong point of view.

What the bible says about each and every Old Testament item is FACT and gets backed up with lots of really shaky and out-there science and questionable findings. And constantly hammered. I'd prefer somethings left as faith items than be backed up with flawed 'science'.

That was our opinion anyway. And we use a combination of various Christian and secular materials.

Could be just an odd cluster of 4 Aussies. (Wouldn't be the first or last) ;)[/quote']

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I hope someone answers you who can be more specific. I bought some of her audios a while ago for a child who loved SOTW and I was hoping for more along those lines. While we are Christian, we don't interpret the bible literally as an historical document (unless corroborated by other historical sources), we date the earth based on current scientific consensus, accept evolution as a fundamental part of understanding biology in accordance with current scientific thought, etc. I never had any problem with SOTW.


It has been a while but my vague memory (these tapes were mostly listened to just by my son) was that she emphasized a literal view of creation and early human history based on the bible as a primary source as opposed to the approach I described above. I ended up moving him on to something else. I'm not opposed to listening to something we disagree with, but it is hard to discuss later unless I listen to it too. We have a car trip coming up and I was going to pull them out for a listen. If I do, I'll let you know the specifics.

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Dawn, I met Diana and her husband several years ago at Homeschool Week at Sandy Cove, MD. We spoke at great length and are now good friends and she is on my FB. She is not of a reformed theology. Having used her curriculum in the past (and am currently using her What in the World? CDs with HOD curriculum), I can say that there isn't any particular "slant" at all. I will say she favors a literal interpretation of Scripture. She is a young-Earth creationist (literal 6 days of creation). Her materials are now being published by AiG...that should tell you something! LOL. :) Diana is a precious woman of God. She doesn't have any "agenda" except to promote HISstory and share her passion for it. I've learned more amazing facts about History from her materials than any others. Her passion is contagious. I can say with confidence that whatever your Christian theology is (whatever doctrine or denomination), Diana's materials shouldn't conflict. Unless you do not want to teach your children a literal interpretation of Scripture and Creation especially (and some don't, so no judgement call there :tongue_smilie:), nothing in her material should cause you any concern. :D

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Dear Dawn,

Sorry, I'll try to be more specific, but it has been a few years, and it was predominately the audio's.

Such things as the ark DID land on this mount and this is the evidence for it, and much more but if I give more examples then I'll be misquoting after such a time lag. Sorry.

By the way, I'm currently studying The Archaeology of Ancient Israel, and you can and do find 'evidence' on everything. "Not all is valid".

Anyone can and does put forward 'evidence'; it should be assessed, not just accepted because it says what you want. So this was the 'science' I had a problem with.

Also the Old Testament has multiple interwoven threads of the history and even different names for various places and people. If the original compilers did not accept only one reading, who are we, millenniums later, to do that? Particularly for someone who claims reverence of this text.

As I said, personally I prefer no evidence and just accepting certain things than this option of accepting deeply flawed evidence, however enthusiastically and repetitively.

Diana and I disagree on this.

Hope this clarification helps.

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Thank you.


Does HOD have her built in or are you using it as a supplement.


We are not really familiar with HOD and are SL users.




Dawn, I met Diana and her husband several years ago at Homeschool Week at Sandy Cove, MD. We spoke at great length and are now good friends and she is on my FB. She is not of a reformed theology. Having used her curriculum in the past (and am currently using her What in the World? CDs with HOD curriculum), I can say that there isn't any particular "slant" at all. I will say she favors a literal interpretation of Scripture. She is a young-Earth creationist (literal 6 days of creation). Her materials are now being published by AiG...that should tell you something! LOL. :) Diana is a precious woman of God. She doesn't have any "agenda" except to promote HISstory and share her passion for it. I've learned more amazing facts about History from her materials than any others. Her passion is contagious. I can say with confidence that whatever your Christian theology is (whatever doctrine or denomination), Diana's materials shouldn't conflict. Unless you do not want to teach your children a literal interpretation of Scripture and Creation especially (and some don't, so no judgement call there :tongue_smilie:), nothing in her material should cause you any concern. :D
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It is still hard for me to tell if it would be an issue or not. As I have said before, I really don't have an issue with things I may not 100% agree with as it gives me a change to talk more to my kids about why I think a certain way.


I don't know what degree the differences would be.




Dear Dawn' date='

Sorry, I'll try to be more specific, but it has been a few years, and it was predominately the audio's.

Such things as the ark DID land on this mount and this is the evidence for it, and much more but if I give more examples then I'll be misquoting after such a time lag. Sorry.

By the way, I'm currently studying The Archaeology of Ancient Israel, and you can and do find 'evidence' on everything. "Not all is valid".

Anyone can and does put forward 'evidence'; it should be assessed, not just accepted because it says what you want. So this was the 'science' I had a problem with.

Also the Old Testament has multiple interwoven threads of the history and even different names for various places and people. If the original compilers did not accept only one reading, who are we, millenniums later, to do that? Particularly for someone who claims reverence of this text.

As I said, personally I prefer no evidence and just accepting certain things than this option of accepting deeply flawed evidence, however enthusiastically and repetitively.

Diana and I disagree on this.

Hope this clarification helps.[/quote']

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Part of Diana's "charm" is her extreme passion for the subject and her knack for telling the story. But I have found that you either love it or hate it! Some just adore her storytelling (like me!) and some find it very annoying. As the PP said, HOD schedules her CDs from CtC on. I am keeping them to use with my oldest who will be studying American History...using her CDs to "fill in the gaps" as to what is going on in the REST of the world. I just have this pet peeve about studying American History in isolation. ;)

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Well, this is one reason we have used Sonlight, so that we are not studying History in isolation.


But we are coming to the point where my oldest with some LDs is struggling. I am spending far too much time actually reading to him. Now, I could just bite the bullet and buy all the readers in CD or audio format, but it would be quite costly.


I have ordered Diana Waring's program and will take a look when it gets here.




Part of Diana's "charm" is her extreme passion for the subject and her knack for telling the story. But I have found that you either love it or hate it! Some just adore her storytelling (like me!) and some find it very annoying. As the PP said, HOD schedules her CDs from CtC on. I am keeping them to use with my oldest who will be studying American History...using her CDs to "fill in the gaps" as to what is going on in the REST of the world. I just have this pet peeve about studying American History in isolation. ;)
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