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new to HS'ing ... am I missing anything cirriculum wise?


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Hi to all!

This is our 1st month of HS'ing. I have been adding things in slowly over the course of the last 3 weeks. (we have also been in the process of moving during this time:leaving: gross)

DD is 6 yo / 1st grade ...this is what we are/planning to do so far:



R&S 1st grade math

Readers 20 mins a day (level appropriate library books)

Spelling: working from a weekly spelling word list we had from PS


.. I was thinking about adding in SOTW? Good idea??

Do I need any additional handwriting if we are doing WWE & FLL?


We do check out a science book or two from the library each week on a topic & read them together. Eventually I plan to add in a science-y project here and there to enrich. Should I be doing something more?

We do art projects about 2x a week & she starts piano next month.

Soo...does my lineup look ok? :bigear:

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Adding SOTW would be great. I have a free program in my signature that matches literature to SOTW. FLL and WWE can be used for handwriting if you insist on proper and neat letter formation.


I would add a phonics-based spelling program rather than just doing the list, but otherwise I think you're off to a good start. Have you read The Well-Trained Mind? It's a good roadmap. :)

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I did add handwriting with my first grader, because she needed it. I use HWOT (handwriting without tears). That has worked well. I also added Draw, Write, Now because she was "bored" with the same handwriting. Later, I even added Alphabet beats - she loved this and so did my 3 year old. So, I guess I am the odd one out - doing handwriting, but like I said, she really needed it.:001_smile:

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I did add handwriting with my first grader, because she needed it. I use HWOT (handwriting without tears). That has worked well. I also added Draw, Write, Now because she was "bored" with the same handwriting. Later, I even added Alphabet beats - she loved this and so did my 3 year old. So, I guess I am the odd one out - doing handwriting, but like I said, she really needed it.:001_smile:

We started using it when ds started 5th grade. For some reason his handwriting tanked big time.


I use handwriting with my youngest (5), but it's busy work for now. I don't expect him to have great handwriting at this age.


Dd didn't use handwriting at all.

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